想 想说几句 新手上路 注册 2002-02-08 消息 17 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-02-10 #16 最初由 Kyo 发布 DDDD相信我一句,你少听些这帮无聊人的言论病会好很多。祝福你把。我也很盼这样的生活早日结束 点击展开... 我们真的很无聊,求求您了,别让我们害了你,快走吧您。
guest Moderator 管理成员 注册 2002-10-07 消息 402,312 荣誉分数 76 声望点数 0 2002-02-12 #19 谢谢大家关心,我现在感冒已经好了。最近天气太冷,大家要做好防寒准备
xiaomage Moderator VIP 注册 2002-01-17 消息 2,893 荣誉分数 289 声望点数 213 所在地 渥村仕同湾 2002-02-12 #20 Sorry, li lao! didn't see your post! It's just a link for watching online. I don't have the original flash file. Your comment is really a complement to me, thanx a lot!
Sorry, li lao! didn't see your post! It's just a link for watching online. I don't have the original flash file. Your comment is really a complement to me, thanx a lot!