RIM vs Nortel - What the heck is going on here?

Rumor says:
- RIM refused to sign the standard NDA document;
- RIM wanted to bid CDMA+LTE+UndisclosedAsset as a bundle for 1.1B instead of bidding for the court-approved CDMA+LTE bundle.
As a result, RIM was not even admitted as a bidder, so the 1.1B was actually not a qualified bid on the table.

Jim B is crying foul, but RIM may had its own mis-steps along the way. Right now, nobody knows whether RIM can manage to get back to the bidding table. It maybe possible with the help of CA gov.
Ericsson Wins Wireless Auction

Ericsson emerged as the winner of Nortel’s CDMA and LTE R&D business with a $1.13-billion bid.
The bid was more than 50% higher than Ericsson’s original bid of $730-million – and exactly what Research in Motion was willing to pay for the assets if it had been approved as a qualified bidder.

Ericsson Wins Wireless Auction