We've got another batch of eForCity.com Exclusives for RedFlagDeals.com readers. All have with free shipping (choose the standard shipping), but you can only use one discount code per order. If you want more than one of the items, you can put in separate orders. This week, eForCity.com has given RedFlagDeals.com readers some nice discounts on accessories for the iPhone and iPhone 3GS. Prices are in US dollars.
Delivery may take 7-14 business days. Remember to choose the standard shipping option when ordering.
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- SportBand with case for MP3 / Cell Phones, Black - $4.49 with coupon code REDFLAGD720
- Car Charger for Apple iPod / iPhone / iPhone 3G / iPhone 3GS, White - $3.99 with coupon code REDFLAGD721
- Patterned Rubber Case for Apple iPhone / iPhone 3GS, Clear Purple - $3.99 with coupon code REDFLAGD722
- USB 2.0 SDHC / MS Memory Card Reader, Black - $3.99 with coupon code REDFLAGD723HDMI-F to DVI-M Adaptor - $4.49 US with coupon code REDFLAGD724
Delivery may take 7-14 business days. Remember to choose the standard shipping option when ordering.
Find more Canadian deals at RedFlagDeals.com