其他费用: delivery fees from USA to Canada (most they are free inside USA), cost depends on the seller's (you can call them and ask it), and distance, and which mailing method you want.
Delivery fees charged when you buy it; 关税 charged when you received it.
相机等没有关税。GST/PST由速递公司代收,因为他们代理报关,可能会收取手续费,称作brokerage fee. UPS ground会收这个费。所以如果商家用UPS送货,要选比UPS ground更快的服务UPS expedited等等。USPS没有这个费,最慢的USPS first class internationa寄到这儿大约一到两周的时间。据说$60以下不收GST/PST,我最近两次60以上的都没有收。考虑到PST和保修的因素,美国购物不一定比Alberta/Quebec划算,要看报价差多少。