yidong 知名会员 注册 2004-08-26 消息 80 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 118 2009-08-04 #1 微波炉: SOLD 烤面包机: SOLD 电水壶: SOLD 工作状态都很好,有兴趣的朋友请悄悄话联系。 附件 IMG_2333.jpg 61.2 KB · 查看: 91 IMG_2335.jpg 90.1 KB · 查看: 91 IMG_2341.jpg 69.2 KB · 查看: 88 IMG_2342.jpg 73.1 KB · 查看: 93
L lucy9988ca 新手上路 注册 2009-07-22 消息 27 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2009-08-04 #2 Your stuff Hi There, My email address is richhead88@hotmail.com, can you let me know if you could hold them for me. I want to all of them.
Your stuff Hi There, My email address is richhead88@hotmail.com, can you let me know if you could hold them for me. I want to all of them.
yidong 知名会员 注册 2004-08-26 消息 80 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 118 2009-08-05 #3 lucy9988ca 说: Hi There, My email address is richhead88@hotmail.com, can you let me know if you could hold them for me. I want to all of them. 点击展开... I have sent you a message to your email account. Thanks.
lucy9988ca 说: Hi There, My email address is richhead88@hotmail.com, can you let me know if you could hold them for me. I want to all of them. 点击展开... I have sent you a message to your email account. Thanks.