Futureshop.ca is serving up 10 days of web deals starting today. Deals will be good for 1 day only, and for today at least, all items are available online only. Here's a look at the Day 1 items:
At the moment, FutureShop.ca offers free shipping on most orders over $39, so you have that going for you as well.
Find more Canadian deals at RedFlagDeals.com
- Refurbished HP Mini 8.9" Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz Netbook (Mini 1115NR) - English - Web Only - $229.99
- CoreMicro 32GB SDHC Class 6 Memory Card - Web Only - $79.99
- Sanyo Xacti 1080p High Definition Flash Camcorder (VPC-HD1010) - Black - Web Only - $499.99
At the moment, FutureShop.ca offers free shipping on most orders over $39, so you have that going for you as well.
Find more Canadian deals at RedFlagDeals.com