The award-winning signature item that started it all.
The modern alternative to bulky, awkward baby carriers. Hotstlings is the original designer pouch-style baby carrier, and still the best. Hotslings are the perfect marriage of fashion and function;
parents get to move, baby gets to bond and everyone looks stylish in the process.
Hotslings is committed to the
bond between parent and child. Their slings are uniquely designed to enhance the benefits of attachment parenting, breastfeeding and swaddling. Experts agree that
babies nestled close to the body develop a more secure relationship with themselves and the world around them.
Hotslings employs
strict testing standards to ensure that the baby slings are of the absolute best quality. They test for chemicals, strength, shrinkage, weight tolerance and fabric fitness.
我的是2号的。 因为是想回国时候路上用的,回去前网上买的。但是由于邮寄过来正好复活节什么的,没拿到手。(我上飞机的那天寄到的。)因为知道收不到了, 出发前又去店里买了另外一个PEANUT SHELL 的SLING路上用。 这个就闲置下来了。真金白银买的,也不想贱卖。如果你有兴趣,给个价格要是合适就卖了。