Townhome: end-unit for not?


资深地产经纪Helen Tang--唐博地产领队
Want to buy a new townhome, the end-unit has larger lot with no direct backyard neighbor but at the corner of two streets, it has about 8.5K lot premium, is it worth it? is end-unit easier for resale in general?

Any comment is highly appreciated.
1)一般End Unit应该比非End Unit的贵10000左右,即使旧房成交价也基本如此,所以$8500的lot premiun本身似乎不贵。

2)End Unit的最大好处就是多点隐私,尤其孩子练钢琴什么的,两边都有邻居就可能很不方便;另外End Unit的院子会大一些,尤其夹两条街的corner unit,甚至院子可能大出一倍都不止。

3)End Unit的缺点除了价格贵外则是能耗,一般能耗要比中间的单位高出20%或30%(这两天才从某网站上看到的信息,说同样面积的独立屋要高50%,Semi-detached或者End-Unit则会高20%或30%,具体是哪个忘了);另外End Unit必须允许为有需要的中间住户直接进入他们自己的后院而穿过自己的院子(比如人家买了台除草机不想从房中搬过去等),由于townhouse一般一栋都有六户人家,这样就可能有两户偶尔需要从你这边院子穿过。

4)具体到你说的End Unit,最需要注意的问题则应该是那两条街的繁忙程度,一般两条街相交,有不小的可能性其中一条街就会较繁忙甚至干脆是主路(不清楚则要查一下未来规划,分析一下小区将来的交通特点),如果真是那样的话就需要尽量避免,因为离主路近不仅平时会噪音较大,而且将来卖时会成为一个很大很大的缺点。我曾见过有一幢双车库四卧房的semi-detached半独立屋,院子很大而且背后朝着大片树林,房屋朝向也很对西人胃口(院子向西),但就是因为一边靠着一条主路(Berrigan),结果五年新的房子标价三十万出头却很久都没能脱手。

总的来说,如果仅仅需要多加8.5K就可以获得End Unit,这本身很值,但需要考虑这个lot的其他缺点,包括但不仅仅限于两条路的繁忙程度。
depending on how busy the two streets are, noise can be a big problem. You also need to invest more money in building higher fences for better privacy and security. If you have good use of the large lot (like plant a garden, build a deck), then you will appreciate the corner lot very much.
Thanks for all the replies.

It is a corner lot, so the yard is about 4.5 m wider (with no easement), which is similar to a single house yard. my only concern is that since it is a corner lot with two streets, while one of the streets is a country road (very long street with go-through traffic and connected to Terry fox road but not very busy as it is near country side), the builder will put a 7 feet wooden fence for noise and privacy on that side.

so the key question is: Is it worth to trade "no backyard & side neighbors + very large yard" with "side with a country road"?.
4)具体到你说的End Unit,最需要注意的问题则应该是那两条街的繁忙程度,一般两条街相交,有不小的可能性其中一条街就会较繁忙甚至干脆是主路(不清楚则要查一下未来规划,分析一下小区将来的交通特点),如果真是那样的话就需要尽量避免,因为离主路近不仅平时会噪音较大,而且将来卖时会成为一个很大很大的缺点。我曾见过有一幢双车库四卧房的semi-detached半独立屋,院子很大而且背后朝着大片树林,房屋朝向也很对西人胃口(院子向西),但就是因为一边靠着一条主路(Berrigan),结果五年新的房子标价三十万出头却很久都没能脱手。

I know this house you just talked about. It is sold now. In my opinion, you do not want the side of your house to face a major road, because you lose privacy on two sides of the house: the back and the side. If the front of the house is facing major road, it is less of a problem, because most of your private activities (kitchen, dining, yard) are located at the back.
so the key question is: Is it worth to trade "no backyard & side neighbors + very large yard" with "side with a country road"?.

I would avoid the corner lot. If the builder is putting up the fence, then it usually means there is something undesirable about the lot, most probably noise and privacy.

If you want a bigger lot, why not consider an end-unit in the middle of street?

"No back & side neighbors" is not too important, you are going to have neighbors on one side anyway. Your neighbors can see your backyard from their upstair window anyway.

This is really a good point. Similarly, I prefer to buy a old house in an established area, rather than a new house in a construction field.