If you're planning an adventure in the great outdoors, you'll want to check out the Camping Clearout Sale at Sears, for 60% off select camping gear. Save on sleeping bags, tents, and more - campfire songs and smores not included.
Here's a few of the interesting offers:
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Here's a few of the interesting offers:
- Hillary Extreme Mummy Sleeping Bag - $13.99, regularly $34.99
- Hillary Extreme 9' x 7' Dome Tent - $67.99, regularly $169.99
- Hillary/MD 10' x 10' Canopy - $31.99, regularly $79.99
- Outdoor Escapes Pop-up 3' x 3' Privacy Shelter - $19.99, regularly $49.99
Find more Canadian deals at RedFlagDeals.com