某 某某 不知名会员 VIP 注册 2004-12-01 消息 13,159 荣誉分数 3,201 声望点数 373 2009-08-28 #2 It is not difficult to move a cat to Vancouver! Most airlines have services for that. p.s. This is the first time I hear that cats' teeth are considered "dangerous" and had been pulled out! Poor kitty!
It is not difficult to move a cat to Vancouver! Most airlines have services for that. p.s. This is the first time I hear that cats' teeth are considered "dangerous" and had been pulled out! Poor kitty!
*一生一世* 半仙儿 VIP 注册 2007-04-09 消息 931 荣誉分数 68 声望点数 188 2009-08-28 #3 只有真心喜欢猫的人才可能收养猫,而这类人群不可能觉得猫的牙齿和爪子是危险的,更不可能忍心送猫去做手术拔掉。祝你家猫早日找到温暖的家。
C catx 知名会员 注册 2003-05-31 消息 445 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 178 2009-08-28 #4 I do not own this cat, I was only taking care of it for a month and taking care of her until the owner gets back, I was going to return it, but now the owner doesn't want the cat back and I'm not interested in keeping the cat.
I do not own this cat, I was only taking care of it for a month and taking care of her until the owner gets back, I was going to return it, but now the owner doesn't want the cat back and I'm not interested in keeping the cat.
C Clover3 新手上路 注册 2009-08-11 消息 10 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2009-09-11 #5 这猫咪好可怜啊!!!怎么可以这样啊。这主人也太狠心了把!把他的牙齿和指甲拔了试试。拔了都还暂时不说,现在还要抛弃这可怜的猫咪!这是什么行为啊!!!!