那是用来观赏地。。。2. 大living room 和 Dining room. 一点用没有. 不打扫还招灰
不至于吧,是不是什么地方有毛病?再有,升级成什么才不进冷气?3. 没有Upgrade通向后院的门. 冬天进冷气
en! 很用的信息。 好在我的basement加高了,可惜通往后院的门没有upgrade。来不及了。
en! 很用的信息。 好在我的basement加高了,可惜通往后院的门没有upgrade。来不及了。
2. 大living room 和 Dining room. 一点用没有. 不打扫还招灰
4. 外面的potlight. 从来没开过.
we paid $4000 for upgrading the basement to 9 feet, and from I know that's normally what most of the builders would charge. Why richcraft charged more for a small house, no idea. It could be the design of the house, say it might be bit challenge for raise the basement if the house is custom built.