

This is the most powerful video I have ever watched in my life.



This is the most powerful video I have ever watched in my life. YouTube - Get Back Up, Nick Vujicic
The most important question we should ask is :What's causing him borned without limbs? Not the meaning/purpose of it but the cause of it. If we want to remove sufferings, we need to know what give rise of suffering.
Good point!

The most important question we should ask is :What's causing him borned without limbs? Not the meaning/purpose of it but the cause of it. If we want to remove sufferings, we need to know what give rise of suffering.
The most important question we should ask is :What's causing him borned without limbs? Not the meaning/purpose of it but the cause of it. If we want to remove sufferings, we need to know what give rise of suffering.

Good question!

As you can imagine, Nick also asked a whole lot of questions in the last 30 some years of his life. However, he never asked who allowed him to be born without limbs.

The question he asked to God was, WHY did YOU allow this happen to me?

This was not an easy question and he didn't get the answer right way. At the darkest point of his life, when there seemed to be no answer to his question, he become suicidal.

Praise the Lord, His grace is sufficient!

9:1 耶 稣 过 去 的 时 候 , 看 见 一 个 人 生 来 是 瞎 眼 的 。 9:2 门 徒 问 耶 稣 说 , 拉 比 , 这 人 生 来 是 瞎 眼 的 , 是 谁 犯 了 罪 ? 是 这 人 呢 ? 是 他 父 母 呢 ? 9:3 耶 稣 回 答 说 , 也 不 是 这 人 犯 了 罪 , 也 不 是 他 父 母 犯 了 罪 , 是 要 在 他 身 上 显 出 神 的 作 为 来 。
The most important question we should ask is :What's causing him borned without limbs? Not the meaning/purpose of it but the cause of it. If we want to remove sufferings, we need to know what give rise of suffering.

Well, we will never be able to get rid of suffering. Fortunately, suffering is blessing in disguise, as long as you can see God's purpose.

Let's take Nick as an example. He asked God to take away his sufferings. He asked God for miracles. For a good period of his life, nothing happened and nothing seemed to be happening - until one day, he realized that HE WAS THE MIRACLE.

Nick's life is the best testimony to God's grace and God's love.
这个反复上传了多次的帖子,要用多久才被处理? 还是斑竹就有特权,可以一贴多贴?

Well, we will never be able to get rid of suffering. Fortunately, suffering is blessing in disguise, as long as you can see God's purpose.

Nick's life is the best testimony to God's power and God's love.


你上面的话是"只就版规及管理有关问题发帖就是"吗? 别说一套,做一套。如此多了,难免露出马脚。