TD发信要涨LINE OF CREDIT的利息, anyone can organize to fight back?
实际上我怎么感觉用LOC还不如用信用卡,比如在一个billing circle中将信用卡全pay off 的话,一分钱利息不用交;而LOC是只要用,就得按天交利息,以前用LOC的时候,以为是是将所有的outstanding balance 付清了,可是等下月账单到了,又有产生的利息零头在上边。而我的信用卡利息也不高,P+2%,还没有年费,感觉也不错。
我的信用卡利息一直是 p+2%,不是那种银行的短期promotion利息。所以无论是purchase 还是balance transfer,都是这个利息。你说的很对。
p+2%是我的 Capital one 卡。what credit card do you have?
I guess the original poster didn't make it clear enough. Actually allmost all the banks have changed their interests for Line of Credit, to prime+1.
No matter what rates you got from the bank when your line of credit accounts were opened (could be prime, or prime+0.5), the rates are changed to prime+1. They don't care if customers agree or not.
But do check out your agreement for line of credit though...
我也有同样的情况,是因为前几年的房贷利息高过LOC很多,所以拆了东墙补西墙。不想还没补完,东边又刮大风了Only RBC doesn't, so far.
My home equity LOC is with TD and I discussed my concern with a branch manager a few days ago. Basically there is no way to alter this...
The banks dare to damage their own reputations to do this probably means something to us...I guess if/when the prime rate is "allowed" to increase, then we may see some hikes... Be prepared...
不过,今天SCOTIA的银行账户经理帮我开了个一年的房贷,把LOC里拆走的钱加进去,利息是2.55比2.25的 PRIME是高点了,不过比3.25还是少些了,算是回旋一下吧,据说,一年的固定利息一向是促销点,所以一向都低。