Skill Descriptions
Vampiric Aura: Gives you (15%, 30% or 45%) of the damage you do in attack back as health,
(i.e. if you shoot someone and do 100 hp damage you will get back either
(15, 30 or 45 hp) back depending on the skill level)
Unholy Aura: Gives you a speed boost, also all weapons make you go at the same speed
(running with knife will not make you move faster than running with AWP)
Levitation: Allows you to jump higher, basically reduces your gravity to reach high places
you wouldn't normally be able to reach.
Ultimate, Suicide Bomber: player will explode when he dies, killing enemies around him
Invisibility: You become partially invisible
Devotion Aura: Gives you more heatlh at the start of each round (115, 130, 145)
Bash: When you shoot someone you have a (15%, 30% or 45%) chance of rendering them immobile
for 1 second. (their maxspeed is set to 0 for a second)
Ultimate, Teleport: Ability to teleport to team mates (10 second cooldown)
Critical Strike: Gives you a 15% chance of doing (2, 3, or 4) times normal damage on each shot
Critical Grenade: Will ALWAYS do (2, 4 or 6) times normal damage when you hit someone with
a grenade.
Equipment Reincarnation (Ankh): Gives you a (33%, 67% or 100%) chance in respawning with the
equipment you had before you died last round.
Ultimate, Chain Lightning: Ability to cast lightning jumping from player to player harming them,
damage decreases by 2/3 each jump.
Evasion: Gives you a (10%, 20% or 30%) chance of evading a shot, i.e. you will not lose any
health over it but it will still seem as though you where hit.
Thorns Aura: Does (10%, 20% or 30%) mirror damage to the person who shot you.
Trueshot Aura: Does (15%, 30% or 45%) extra damage on each of your bullets.
Ultimate, Entangle Roots: Immobilises enemy for 10 seconds.
Glow Colors
Red: Extra damage done to the player who glows (Critical Strike/Grenade or Thorns/Trueshot Aura)
White: This is when you get bashed, player glowing can't move for 1 second
Green: You will glow green if you have vampiric aura and do dammage to another player.
You will also glow green at the start of the round if you have Weapon Reincarnation.
Blue: You glow blue when you evade a shot with the Night Elf Evade ability.