Value vs Price

Lazycatcat: your efforts will be in vein

The overwhelming majority of people are traders. They are only interested in trade tips rather than exchange of DD. That is why I stop posting.

I suggest you organize a select group.
It is easy to make money in stock market, once or few times. However, it is difficult to make money in stock market long-term. I mean as an active investor not as a passive investor like index investing.

One disadvantage of using TA is asymmetry in information. Shrewed traders with Bloomberg terminals or i-banks like GS have far more advantage than ordinary investors.

Of course, if one thinks one is talented, that is a different story. I am just saying for myself and also guessing most of people here are not so sophisticated.

FA doesn't guarantee anything either. Investing is really not easy although it is very simple. Here is what Buffett's teacher describes the market - I just interpret.

Mr. Market is a person with unstable mind. Sometimes he wants to sell you $1.00 for $10 dollars. Other times, he wants to sell you $1.00 for $0.20 dollars. He will offer you price everyday and don't mind to be taken advantage of. As an investor, your job is to use Mr. Market as a servant rather than to let him to be your master.

Knowing the value of what Mr. Market offers is the only way to take advantage of him rather being his slave ...

Well said , for most Pro. , target is consistently making money from stock market by either FA /TA or both. As you said , most investors are very different to reach this goal.

As I said last night , if you want to survive in the market , you should have your own proven strategy. Either like Jia Jin You Zhi or you , known what you are doing , but most investors do not know , just simply follow some HH, they will pay back one day.

总而言之,我是非常感激和支持你和加京游子,还有其他的高手在这个论坛发的贴,才使这个论坛有了一点人气和能使我认识一些新朋友. 对于组建VALUE INVESTOR GROUP , 我也是非常支持.

Good luck and happy trading!
Thanks for your expression of interest and support. Do you have any suggestion on companies we can start DD ? If not, I think we can take one from Jia's list, like MGM.

I think one needs to have an understanding on the valuation of a company before doing investment or speculation. Take MGM as an example, this company is not hard to understand and it is probably not far away from its actual value. However, one needs to know what that value is before further action.

Green, do you like to take plunge on one of your companies or MGM ?

LZ , do u have time to do some valuation for FCX ? FCX is the biggest copper producer in the world . I have some Oct. 60P .


P.S. RIMM is also an good re-valuation target ...