最初由 funhouse 发布
95 年旧车, 城市低速使用正常.但只要一上100时速,发动机检修灯就被触发,无异响,其他情况正常.其后再次启动发动机,故障灯消失.具疑惑.
请求各位大侠解疑答惑.不知这种情况是否严重,有否必要立即维修? 感激不尽!!!
Hi buddy,
I got the similar problem as you. I have a 1995-Mazda 626 Cronos,every time I mount on the highway at about 80km/hour, the engine light is on and back to off 1 minute later. I went to the dealer, they put a computer on and checked the code, but it was nothing there. I was told to use extra clean gas, I did, but the light was still on and off. This happened from one and a half years ago till now. I am just wondering what I can do.
I would appreciate it very much if someone can give me some suggestion!!!
最初由 158 发布
不懂别瞎摆和。:flaming: Sensor问题灯是常亮不熄的。
最初由 Wangwang 发布
Hi 158,
I am Wangwang. Which car should drive in, funhouse's or mine? My engine light was on, then off automatically about a minute later. And this condition has kept for 1.5 years.
Thanks a lot!