H1N1 Flu: Symptoms, Real Stories, and Not-Necessarily-Real Stories :)


Please pass this on to family and friends. Especially people with children!

H1N1 flu is about to be upon us and we need to be on top of information regarding it. Here is a comparison to the normal cold symptoms

Know the diference between Cold and H1N1 Flu

Fever is rare with a cold.
Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the H1N1 flu.

A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold.
A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the H1N1 flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough).

Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold.
Severe aches and pains are common with the H1N1 flu.

Stuffy Nose
Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week.
Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the H1N1 flu.

Chills are uncommon with a cold.
60% of people who have theH1N1 flu experience chills.

Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold.
Tiredness is moderate to severe with the H1N1 flu.

Sneezing is commonly present with a cold.
Sneezing is not common with theH1N1 flu.

Sudden Symptoms
Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days.
The H1N1 flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains.

A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold.
A headache is very common with the H1N1 flu, present in 80% of flu cases.

Sore Throat
Sore throat is commonly present with a cold.
Sore throat is not commonly present with the H1N1 flu.

Chest Discomfort
Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold.
Chest discomfort is often severe with the H1N1 flu.
(I am not a big fan of the whole garlic-for-cure thing and certainly do not subscribe to the notion that garlic fixes everything. However, the following message from a friend caught my eyes; "hey people, for who ever is feeling sick or is very concerned about the flu, check this out! I think it's worth trying since you have got nothing to lose. who know, it might just work on you." Well, I leave the rest to yourself.)

Onions for the Flu

A friend of mine told me a story about how when he was a kid he was in the hospital & near dying. His Italian grandmother came to the hospital & told a family member to go buy her a large onion & a new pair of white cotton socks. She sliced the onion open then put a slice on the bottom of each of his feet & put the white cotton socks on him. In the morning when he awoke they removed the socks. The slices of onion were black & his fever was gone. The following story that someone sent to me might have some truth in it & we are going to try this this winter.

In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu. Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it and many died.

The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise, everyone
was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different, the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home, (probably only two roomsback then). The doctor couldn't believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions and place it under the microscope. She gave him one and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping the family healthy.

(It reads more like a haox now because we know for sure that flu viruses are not bacteria and it's impossible for the doc to see the viruses through a microscope he carried with him on his trip!)

Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in AZ. She said that several years ago
many of her employees were coming down with the flu and so were many of her customers. The next year she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. It must work.. (And no, she is not in the onion business.)

(Or she is indeed in the onion business?)

The moral of the story is, buy some onions and place them in bowls around your home. If you work at a desk, place one or two in your office or under your desk or even on top somewhere. Try it and see what happens. We did it last year and we
never got the flu.

If this helps you and your loved ones from getting sick, all the better. If you do get the flu, it just might be a mild case..

Whatever, what have you to lose? Just a few bucks on onions!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

Now there is a P. S. to this for I sent it to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues. She replied with this most interesting experience about onions: Weldon,thanks for the reminder. I don't know about the farmers story...but, I do know that I contacted pneumonia and needless to say I was very ill...I came across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion put one end on a fork and then place the forked end into an empty jar...placing the jar next to the sick patient at night. It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs...sure enough it happened just like that...the onion was a mess and I began to feel better.

Another thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years ago.

They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties. (I heard this from lots of people back in China)

(Well, in the end, nothing to lose ... except a few bucks and probably the not-too-bad smell in your office.)
[SIZE=+0]This is the MOST updated version of dose recommendations. Health Canada announced last Thursday about the single dosage for children (3-9 years).[/SIZE]


[SIZE=+0]Age 0-5 months[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]H1N1 flu vaccine not authorized for use

[SIZE=+0]Age over 6 months and less than 3 years [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]2 half-doses of adjuvanted* vaccine[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]There should be a minimum of 21 days between the 2 half-doses. [/SIZE]
Age 3 to 9 years -

[SIZE=+0]Healthy children [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]1 half-dose adjuvanted* vaccine, for now**[/SIZE]
Age 3 to 9 years -

[SIZE=+0]Children with chronic medical conditions [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]2 half-doses of adjuvanted* vaccine [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]There should be a minimum of 21 days between the 2 half-doses. [/SIZE]
Healthy people age 10 to 64 years
[SIZE=+0]1 dose either adjuvanted* or unadjuvanted vaccine[/SIZE]
People with weakened immune age 10- 64 years
[SIZE=+0]1 dose adjuvanted* vaccine[/SIZE]
People over the age of 65
[SIZE=+0]1 dose adjuvanted* vaccine[/SIZE]
Pregnant women
[SIZE=+0]1 dose unadjuvanted vaccine[/SIZE]
Pregnant women

[SIZE=+0]More than 20 weeks pregnant [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]If unadjuvanted vaccine is not available and rates of H1N1 flu are high or increasing in the community, women more than 20 weeks pregnant should be offered 1 dose of adjuvanted* vaccine.[/SIZE]
Pregnant women

[SIZE=+0]With severe chronic disease [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]If unadjuvanted vaccine is not available and rates of H1N1 flu are high or increasing in the community, pregnant women with severe chronic disease should be offered 1 dose of adjuvanted* vaccine.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+0]* An adjuvant is a substance that is added to a vaccine to boost the individual’s immune response. It includes naturally occurring oil (called squalene), water and vitamin E.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+0]** These recommendations may be updated as more information becomes available. [/SIZE]