
I remember it is around $30 and I was told it could be re-used 10 thousand times.
请问carlingwood shopping mall里那间店有卖?!谢谢!
How To Reuse The Pad ?
  1. Boil a pot of water.
  2. Place a cloth on the pot’s bottom.
  3. Place the pad on the cloth inside the pot; continue to boil the water until all crystals are dissolved and the pad in completely clear.
  4. When the pad is completely clear, (only liquid remains), take it out of the water using tongs, and place it on a cloth to cool down. Please notice: All crystals must dissolve, otherwise a chain reaction will begin and the pad will stay in its heated form. Carefully hold the pad against a light to make sure no crystals left. If crystals start forming while the pad is cooling, repeat steps 1, 2 and 3.
  5. When the pad cools down, it is ready to be reused.
以上是使用原理。在baby R us有卖,店里卖二十多块,网上卖十多块,但要加付运费。我以前就用过这种产品,上个月卖掉了,$4.