which company now can provide an H1N1 vaccine to a scientist?
what do you think if you ask another 20 senior scientists and they tell you something different?
Q4. Is it true that there is mercury in the vaccine? How much mercury?
Both vaccines contain a small amount of thimerosal. Thimerosal is a form of mercury used in the H1N1 flu vaccine to stabilize it and maintain its quality during storage. Thimerosal is a different form of mercury than the mercury known to cause health problems. The amount in the H1N1 adjuvanted flu vaccine is much less than the daily limit recommended for environmental exposure to mercury. For example, there is significantly less mercury in the vaccine than you would find in a can of tuna fish.
Q5. Is it true that there is 10 times more mercury in the unadjuvanted vaccine? How can that be safe for pregnant women?
Yes, the unadjuvanted vaccine does contain 50 ug of thimerosal while the adjuvanted vaccine has only 5 ug of thimerosal. The 50 ug remains within the daily limit recommended for environmental exposure to mercury. There’s significantly less mercury in the vaccine than you would find in a can of tuna fish.