5. 华人打乙肝疫苗的重要性
Hepatitis B
An infection of the liver that is caused by a virus.
It is 100 times more infectious and 200 times more common than HIV. Often, there are no symptoms. Hep B is the only STI that can be prevented by a vaccine.
Hepatitis B is spread through infected body fluids (blood, saliva, semen, vaginal fluid.) It can also be passed from mother to baby during childbirth. Since many people do not have symptoms, they can pass on the infection unknowingly.
To avoid Hepatitis B, you should
never share needles or syringes
never share instruments for piercing, tattooing, or removing hair
never share toothbrushes or razors
visit Health Services to get your vaccination
Symptoms (if any) can appear within 2 to 6 months after contact with the virus
poor appetite, nausea, vomiting
a general unwell feeling
jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin)
dark, tea-coloured urine
light-coloured stools (feces)
最初由 007 发布
everyone should get the shots if you are not immune to Hepatitis-B, since 70% of Hepatitis-B patients are Asian. Chinese are in high risk getting infected by Hepatitis-B for genitic reason. As Chinese community are growing in ottawa, it is very important for you to make sure your Canada born kids get the shots ASAP. In china right now every new born will be given the shot within 12 hours after the baby was born, but in canada your kids won't get shots untill grade 10 unless your arrang with your family doctor by yourself.
最初由 mini mouse 发布
you can tell your family doctor what you want and he can give you a shot immediatly ( if he has the shots available in his clinic).Normally you need to have 3 shots. you take the second shot after a month when you finish the first shot. the third shot must be taken after six months when you finsih the second one. the doctor charges you $55 for each shot. when you finish all the shots, you are immune in your whole life.
最初由 mini mouse 发布
Sorry, i forgot to tell you that you must have the blood test before you go to take the shot. if your family doctor arrange you to have blood test, you don't need to show him your blood report. otherwise you have to show him the report within a month after you finish the test.
最初由 007 发布
One thing wrong here:
when you finish all the shots, you are not immue in your whole life!!!!
You still have to took the blood test at least every 5 year to check whether or not you are still immune to it, if not you have to take the three shots again.