As you might notice that some of the membership cards will become invalid soon because the renewing time is due. Actually, some of the sponsers might already mentioned you about this, such as 168 Supermarket.
The Renewing Policy is :
1. One year membership fee is $25.00,
2. Two years membership fee is $45.00,
3. Members can go to The Capital Chinese School(710 Broadview Ave.) to renew the cards on Saturday morning when there is a Chinese School,
4. Or, mail your old cards to : 2 Oriska Way Nepean K2J 4N7 , along with the fee (better cheaque).
5. Members have to prepare new photoes because the one with old card can't be reused, which we have tried and proved.
6. The membership card is the property of the club and must be returned to the club upon request.
Wish you all the best! Thanks!
William (Chaomei) Xie
Program coordinator
Ottawa Multicultural Club
Ottawa United Academy
Tel: (613)-226-3524
Fax: (613)-260-2735