

神啊!!您就是道路,真理, 就是明燈!!讓我們敬畏,愛護您的心時刻伴随,.!!讓世人領悟您的真理,宣揚您的愛,愛身邊不同的人,不分宗教,不分種族,不分政黨,不分東西.

神的愛體現在佛教中, 讓世人知道如何包容,豁達...
神的愛體現在伊斯兰教中, 讓世人領悟痛苦,堅忍...
神的愛體現在基督教中, 讓世人學會謙卑,感恩...

神啊!!您就是道路,真理, 就是明燈!!讓我們敬畏,愛護您的心時刻伴随,.!!讓世人領悟您的真理,宣揚您的愛,愛身邊不同的人,不分宗教,不分種族,不分政黨,不分東西.

神啊!!讓世人時刻懷着歌頌您的心, 不分時區, 不需固定地點, 無論在教堂, 佛堂,寺廟,不分國界,都處都是世人頌揚您的地方, 領略真理的位置. 神, 您把這地球给了世人, 這就是世人頌揚您的地方!!

各種宗教現象也許是人在尋求神的證據, 但並不表明找到的任何東西都是“神”,就好像哥倫布把美洲儅印度一樣。

他的目標是印度。他大概對印度有一些知識,他的新發現與他對印度的知識 大概也吻合,於是他得出結論美洲就是印度。如果 發現了冰天雪地的加拿大,他大概會知道這塊地應該不是印度 - 印度不可能有這麽厚的雪和冰。 他好像不可能找到加拿大,因爲他的船是往南行。




The discovery of the American continent had nothing to do with intellectual curiosity or even unfathomable human courage. It was almost entirely about one and only one thing: money. And it was a mistake.

The Portuguese all throughout the sixteenth century ruthlessly and aggressively built a monopoly in the spice trade from the east by dominating the trade routes around the continent of Africa. Spain, on the other hand, began thinking of ways to get around this monopoly by developing a western route to the eastern countries. The problem was that this route was infinitely longer than the trip around Africa and it lay across an ocean so vast that it staggered the imagination and chilled the heart.

It was Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), a Genoese navigator, who convinced the Spanish to underwrite a western expedition to the eastern countries. Contrary to what you might have heard, educated Europeans knew that the world was round and had known this for millenia. Then as now, people who thought the world was flat were regarded as crackpots. Europeans also had a good idea as to the circumference of the earth; this circumference, in fact, had been accurately calculated in the second century BC. The general view, then, was that a western voyage to India would be a disaster, for the ship would have to travel thousands of miles over open ocean. The ship's crew would starve or die of dehydration long before the journey was complete.

But Columbus believed that the world was considerably smaller than was imagined in the general view and he managed to convince Isabella, the Queen of Spain, that a western expedition would be but a short trip. He was, of course, completely mistaken and had not the Americas gotten in his way, he and his men would have starved or died of dehydration just as everyone knew they would. But fortunately for Columbus, America did get in the way.

The Europeans immediately believed that a new continent had been "discovered" and they called it the "New World." As for Columbus, he never acknowledged or believed that the Americas were anything other than Asia&emdash;he was pretty much the only European who subscribed to this view. He went to his grave absolutely convinced of this idea, and sent several of his crew to their grave for daring to suggest otherwise.

The "New World" is a problematic term for many reasons. First, it was not a "New World," for the inhabitants of America had known of its existence for at least twenty thousand years. No European had "discovered" America since Native Americans had, in essence, discovered the continent some twenty millenia earlier. Second, the Americas were not isolated continents, even from Europe. Icelanders had landed on and settled along the coastline of Canada in the thirteenth century, and accounts of this settlement spread throughout Iceland and the Scandinavian countries. However, even before the Norse settlements in Canada, there seems to have been some kind of sporadic trade with the Americas dating all the way back to ancient Egypt. There is disputed physical evidence of American products in the Mediterranean and Europe including the discovery of nicotine in Egyptian mummies (nicotine only comes from tobacco, which grows only in the Americas). The circumstances and nature of this trade has been lost to us; suffice it to say that if this trade occurred, it was extremely rare, circuitous, and certainly not an ongoing phenomenon.

A few Europeans, then, had a slight knowledge of the Americas. Columbus's discovery, however, catapulted these continents to the forefront of the European imagination. Soon after Columbus's discovery, every country in Europe jumped on the Americas bandwagon. Henry VII of England sent John Cabot to explore the coast of New England. In 1500, Pedro Cabral, a Portuguese captain, discovered South America. Florence sent Amerigo Vespucci, who travelled several times to the new continent in order to catalog the geography; because of this, the continents would eventually bear his name.

It was the Spanish, however, that dominated the settlement and exploitation of the Americas. In 1494, Spain signed a treaty with Portugal, the Treaty of Tordesillas, that divided the entire world between the two countries (imagine that). All the trade routes east of the Cape of Good Hope belonged to Portugal while all the routes west across the Atlantic belonged to Spain.

[SIZE=-1]Civilizations in America [/SIZE][SIZE=-1] Aztec / Mexica [/SIZE][SIZE=-1] Incas [/SIZE]

Soon a new type of explorer would enter the scene: the conquistador. As the name suggests, the conquistador set out to conquer the territories of the new continents. While many were officially sanctioned, they were all essentially independent and autonomous entrepreneurs financed by themselves and by individual investors. They were, then, private expeditions rather than official expeditions representing Spain. In 1519, Hernan Cortes began his conquest of Mexico, which would result in the overthrow of the Mexicas (or Aztecs) in 1522. By 1550, the Spanish had conquered all of Mexico. In 1531 and 1536, Francisco Pizarro conquered the extensive Inca empire. By 1560, the entire western coast of South America was firmly in Spanish hands while the Portuguese had conquered Brazil.

By the 1540's, the Spanish had become the first major colonial power in the Americas. They started settling the new lands, first with garrisons and then with clergy and other people, and they modelled their colonial government after European models. The indigenous peoples suffered cruelly in the areas under direct Spanish control. In those areas, Native Americans who were not decimated by the new European diseases or killed in the conquests died quickly as slaves to their new Spanish masters.
Richard Hooker
To: Focus On Today...

謝謝你的回复和提問, 请諒我用中文答复.

我不属任何宗教, 但我信仰的是唯一的-神!!!神创造宇宙大地, 给于萬物生命,智慧, 神是唯一的, 不需要分類.

欣賞你的例子, 當年哥倫布错把美洲當印度. 我們窮一生去尋找..美洲,印度, 大洋洲....無論找對找错,無論给于甚麼稱呼, 原來我們不就在地球上, 宇宙中嗎?

神, 無處不在, 只要我們內心有神, 神在心中.!
我也相信這世上只有一位神, 那就是聖經裏所講述的那個神, 因爲聖經裏 明確說了這個神創造了宇宙萬物。聖經裏也講了這位神對人的要求,比如十戒。

不知你所認識的神對人有什麽要求 或者說希望 ?
很開心, 我們信仰着神.!!

不管甚麼渠道, 我們都信仰着神, 而你從能基督中接触到神, 请用心繼续, 我十分支持, 神不分宗教.

抱歉我從不猜想和詢問神對人的要求和希望, 我們就生活在神的懷抱中.

謝謝你的回復。創造萬物的神自然是所有人的神。無論此人是 信觀音的,信財神的,信佛的,信真主的,信自己的,信自然的,信偉人的,都不能脫離這位神對萬物(包括人)的掌管。


人若能把神的愛在人與人相處的日常生活中 體現出來,人類社會就變得更加溫暖。耶穌在主禱文中講:“願你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上”。



既然“我們的身體就是神的殿,我們 用心霛和誠實敬拜神”,爲什麽會有教堂?每個信神的人按著自己的心在家裏敬拜神就足夠了嗎?

帶著自己的心霛和誠實,基督徒們在觀音面前 可以敬拜創造萬物的嗎?
我不属任何宗教, 但我信仰的是唯一的-神!!!

:cool: 非常赞同。这教派那教派的,各有各的说教,个个都要洗你。不如干脆不参与宗教。专心信仰你是唯一的-神。

想Save吗?[Romans 10:9] If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.