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PSYC 1001/1002 3rd canadian edition $60
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BUSI 1001 3rd canadian edition $20
by kimmel, weygandt, kieso, trenhom
BUSI 1002 2nd canadian edition $15
by mallouk, spraakman, raiborn, barfield, kinney
BUSI 1004 1st canadian edtion $10
byharrison, horngren, lemon
BUSI 1004 2nd canadian edition $15
byharrison, horngren, lemon, carrooll
BUSI 1004 Custom edition for Carleton $15
BUSI 2300 11th and 12th edition 各$20
by anderson sweeney williams
BUSI 3102 8th edition $60
by schwind, das, wagar
BUSI 3103 canadian edition $60
by Jones, G. R., Mills, A. J., Weatherbee, T. G., and Helms Mills, J.
STAT 2606/2607 6th edition 两门课用一本书 $50
by amir d. aczel, jayavel sounderpandian
Econ 2002/2003 6th edition 两门课用一本书 $20
byB. Curtis Eaton, Diane F. Eaton and Douglas W. Allen
ECON 2102/2103 2nd edtion 两门课用一本书 $25
byN. G. Mankiw and W. Scarth
ECON 3601 7th edition $60
by paul r. krugman, maurice obstfeld
PSYC 1001/1002 2nd edition $20
by michael s. gazzaniga, todd f. heatherton
PSYC 1001/1002 3rd canadian edition $60
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