请问有人在服用 心脏房颤 药物吗?


家父有心脏房颤病史,据国内医生说,国外有药可治心脏房颤,请问各位大侠,知否有人在服用这种药? 不胜感激!!!

您也可和我用 EMAIL 联系。 我与家人常年与心脏房颤 斗争,累积些许经验,或许我们可切磋切磋 :cool:

email : happy_1999@live.ca
do you mean A Fib?

you need go to see cardiologist to get those medications.
Thanks. I mean Atrial fibrillation. 家父属慢性房颤。 在上海胸科医院做过两次介入治疗房颤,即导管消融。第一次效果不佳,第二次不错。 一年后复查,上周出结果,依然有一些症状。 国内医生说,国外有药可治心脏房颤。家父想让我打听打听。

Thanks. I mean Atrial fibrillation. 家父属慢性房颤。 在上海胸科医院做过两次介入治疗房颤,即导管消融。第一次效果不佳,第二次不错。 一年后复查,上周出结果,依然有一些症状。 国内医生说,国外有药可治心脏房颤。家父想让我打听打听。

A friend of mine was diagnosed having AF two or three years ago. He has been taking Sotalol and Cumadin. He did electrial shot once, but the good results only lasted a couple of weeks. After taking the medicine for about half a year, his heart beat was back to normal, only went to irregular occasionally under emotional stress or hard physical work. About one year ago, he stoped taking Cumadine and is now using Sotalol only twice a day with half a pill each time. Now he only feels heart beat abnormal once in a while and can feel and hear the heart beat when sleeping sideways with left body on bed.
A friend of mine was diagnosed having AF two or three years ago. He has been taking Sotalol and Cumadin. He did electrial shot once, but the good results only lasted a couple of weeks. After taking the medicine for about half a year, his heart beat was back to normal, only went to irregular occasionally under emotional stress or hard physical work. About one year ago, he stoped taking Cumadine and is now using Sotalol only twice a day with half a pill each time. Now he only feels heart beat abnormal once in a while and can feel and hear the heart beat when sleeping sideways with left body on bed.
Thanks a lot for your information.!
patient with a fib usually takes beta blocker to strength the heart, and blood thinner to prevent blood clot or stoke.

Sotalol is beta blocker, metroprolol is more common in Canada. Coumadin or Warfarin is blood thinner. you have to be very careful to take those two medications. because beta blocker can also cause heart block and low blood pressure if the dose is not appropriate; coumadin can cause severe bleeding and need frequent blood check for INR level.

the side effect can be fetal if not monitoring carefully.

strongly suggest to see a cardiologist for that.

Cardioversion is another option. I think he had that.