Rev. Stephen Boissoin: WE WON!!!! (ZT)


WE WON!!!!
The Alberta Human Rights Commission's ruling was reversed in no uncertain terms. Read Here

The Alberta Human Rights Commission's ruling against me was absurd. Let me be clear, I will never apologize regardless of the consequences.
I stand by my right to have an opinion and to equally express that opinon in private and in the public square. I will exercise that God given right as long as I live.
All across Canada, Pastors, Priests, Christian Teachers and private citizens who vocalize their disagreement with the pro-gay social engineering of our society, are being brought before various forms of Kangaroo Courts. These morally liberal activists are opposed to our Constitutional freedoms of speech and religion. They persecute us for our opposing beliefs and for speaking out against their agenda. As one journalist put it, their rallying cry is, “If I hate what you say, I’ll accuse you of hate.” This agenda is attempting to manipulate and deceive society into accepting homosexuality, pro-gay school curriculums that omit any balanced opinion, gay marriage, gay adoption etc, as if these were normal behaviours. THEY ARE NOT!!! They are attempting to slience any opposition to their agenda by deeming it hateful, fanatical, homophobic, bigoted. Those who have the courage to voice opposition, no matter how qualified, are targeted for re-education, persecution and prosecution.
If you are reading this and think that this is alarmist, then I simply ask you this: how bad do things have to become before you will get involved? It's time to start taking back what the enemy has taken from you. The safety and future of our children is at stake.Excerpt from my 2002 letter to the editor.
I stand by my 2002 letter to the editor and how it was worded. It is more true today then when published. I am encouraged to see the truth it proclaimed vindicated by the very persecution that I have faced by the hands of those I exposed in that letter. I am further encouraged to see Canadians and Americans waking up from their slumber determined to defend their freedom and profess what they believe!
I publicly declare that I do not hate those who practice homosexuality, although I do hate homosexual behaviour. I further declare that I love God and regardless how I too stumble through this life, I believe that His teachings are true, relevant and worthy of proclamation, regardless of the consequences.

As hard as this persecution has been "I publicly praise God for giving me the convictions that put me in this troubling position." I would rather be here and suffering ten fold worse than to be one who does not know or trust in Him!!!

To all who pray for me, for us and support our freedom, thank-you and blessings to you all.

Stephen Boissoin

We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. We know that God, who raised the Lord Jesus, will also raise us with Jesus and present us to himself together with you. All of this is for your benefit... That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. (2 Cor. 4:8-9, 14-15, 16-18NLT)

Consider: The Alberta Human Rights Commission hands out tax dollars in the form of public grants to promote very controversial social issues and at the same time they have the authority to rule on speech and punish opinion via their tribunals. This same applies in every Province.
The Alberta Human Rights Commission offers grants that pertain to diversity, equality and anti-discrimination etc. These grants are made possible via our tax dollars. Before Darren Lund filed his complaint to the AHRC against me, the AHRC approved a grant on behalf of the Alberta P-FLAG (Parents Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays) Faith Society. I discovered this grant on the AHRC website back in 2002 before I submitted my letter. The online documentation that described the mandate of Alberta P-FLAG made it clear that it had an initiative to promote that homosexuality was "normal, necessary, acceptable and productive and has been for thousands of years" to school children and youth. This same AHRC who approved this grant for Alberta P-Flag's hyper pro-gay agenda is the same organization that headed up the prosecution against me and ruled on behalf of pro-gay activist Darren Lund. Considering that the AHRC approved funds for this very controversial initiative, how can they claim and expect anyone to believe that I was provided with an unbiassed hearing and especially, ruling? This alone speaks volumes about the injustice done to me and the illegal activity of these quasi-judicial commissions. What other legal body in Canada doles out grant money for controversial social issues and has the authority to rule on such important matters of constitutional law at the same time?
Homosexual Agenda Wicked- Red Deer Advocate June 17, 2002

Disclaimer: I do not encourage, condone, support or approve of ANY violent act towards ANY individual(s) unless in self-defence or the defence of the innocent.

"Love must be sincere.
Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."
Romans 12:9

Over the last seven years I have read numerous attempts to interpret my 2002 letter to the editor. The vast majority have been innacurate. The most disheartening has been the fallacious interpretation offered by the AHRC Panel Chair and complainant Darren Lund.

The following is a breakdown and brief explanation of my 2002 letter which contained a combination of my personal, political and religious opinion. It is reprinted for the sole purpose of providing an accurate commentary on the intent and meaning of the letter. The letter must be understood in context and accepted as a whole with each part connecting to the main theme of the letter. My interpretation should be accepted over any other. After all, I wrote it, I should know what the letter implies.

I understand that many people feel that I am wrong and even hateful for being admittedly anti-homosexuality, anti-gay-activism and especially for voicing my position in public. I can accept being hated if that is what it takes to stand up for what I believe and for the welfare of our children and youth.

At the time this letter was published, homosexual marriage, homosexual adoption, gay books being added to the public school curriculum etc. were topics of debate across Canada. In addition, the complainant against me, Darren Lund, had invited a pro-homosexual minister into the public school where he taught (in my city) to teach the pro-homosexual interpretation of the Bible. He offered no alternate theological opinion to these impressionable young minds.

The following is not intended for those who are suffering from an unwanted sexual identity crisis. For you, I have understanding, care, compassion and tolerance. I sympathize with you and offer you my love and fellowship. I prayerfully beseech you to seek help, and I assure you that your present enslavement to homosexuality can be remedied. Many outspoken, former homosexuals are free today.

This letter was not directed at gay individuals who are not involved with an activist agenda and it is especially not directed at those who are struggling with an unwanted attraction to the same sex. The following paragraph confirms this.

Instead, this is aimed precisely at every individual that in any way supports the homosexual machine that has been mercilessly gaining ground in our society since the 1960s. I cannot pity you any longer and remain inactive. You have caused far too much damage.

Heterosexuals and gay activists were the target and especially gay activists who target children and youth. This can be clearly understood when the letter is taken as a whole. Once again, the following paragraph confirms that the target of my letter is not gays in general but instead activists targeting children and youth. Looks pretty clear to me yet many incorrectly assert that I was targeting gays at large. Soooo...if you're gay and do not target children and youth with biased pro-homosexual intentions then I have no beef with you.

My banner has now been raised and war has been declared so as to defend the precious sanctity of our innocent children and youth, that you so eagerly toil, day and night, to consume. With me stand the greatest weapons that you have encountered to date - God and the "Moral Majority." Know this, we will defeat you, then heal the damage that you have caused. Modern society has become dispassionate to the cause of righteousness. Many people are so apathetic and desensitized today that they cannot even accurately define the term "morality."

'Banner' refers to the raising of one's standard. At the time of this letter I was the Executive Director of a Christian charity, active in youth ministry, an ordained minister, a leader of a Christian based political lobby group and a volunteer with other youth focused community initiatives. This letter was submitted to the RED DEER Advocate, not the National Post. War has been declared simply meant that I was making my standard 'public' and that I would no longer remain quiet since becoming aware of how pro-gay activists are indoctrinating young people. Anybody with a hint of common sense knew that this terminology had nothing to do with violence.
In a July 2008 Washington Times article, Barack Obama is speaking about gay rights and equality. He is quoted as saying that " we must fight for the world as it should be." Is he referring to violence by his usage of the word 'fight?' I don't think so. His usage of 'fight' is figurative and no different than similar statements like 'war on poverty' and' 'war on AIDS.' Heck, I even read that certain Muslim clerics had declared 'war' on condoms.
Obviously, I was declaring 'a public war of ideologies' against gay activism. This would have been accepted by the vast majority had Darren Lund not strategically and deceptively linked my letter to an uncorroborated, uninvestigated assault on a gay teen which occurred TWO weeks or more after my letter was published.

The masses have dug in and continue to excuse their failure to stand against horrendous atrocities such as the aggressive propagation of homo- and bisexuality. Inexcusable justifications such as, "I'm just not sure where the truth lies," or "If they don't affect me then I don't care what they do," abound from the lips of the quantifiable majority.


Face the facts, it is affecting you. Like it or not, every professing heterosexual is have their future aggressively chopped at the roots.

Gay marriage, gay adoptions, gay parades, gays undermining the traditional family and teaching children and youth that homosexuality is normal and acceptable in this sad day and age.

Edmund Burke's observation that, "All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing," has been confirmed time and time again. From kindergarten class on, our children, your grandchildren are being strategically targeted, psychologically abused and brainwashed by homosexual and pro-homosexual educators.

Realize this is happening and be very concerned! Teachers are not presenting the facts. They are not informing young people that there are therapies available for those struggling with an unwanted attraction to the same sex. They are leading them to believe that a person is born gay and that it is normal to be gay. They are not highlighting the health risks associated with homosexual behaviour nor are they informing them that Health Canada is refusing to accept organ donations from men who have sex with men due to the significant risk to society.

Our children are being victimized by repugnant and premeditated strategies, aimed at desensitizing and eventually recruiting our young into their camps. Think about it, children as young as five and six years of age are being subjected to psychologically and physiologically damaging pro-homosexual literature and guidance in the public school system; all under the fraudulent guise of equal rights.

Biased pro-gay indoctrination IS occurring in our public schools. This is certainly not just my opinion. The psychological problems that are attributed to homosexuality are well documented and the physiological effects are being noticed as well. Disease, depression, stress even poverty have been associated with negative 'physiological' changes in young people.

Your children are being warped into believing that same-sex families are acceptable; that men kissing men is appropriate.

Same-sex parents and romantic affection between the same sex.. IS.. warped in my books.

Your teenagers are being instructed on how to perform so-called safe same gender oral and anal sex and at the same time being told that it is normal, natural and even productive. Will your child be the next victim that tests homosexuality positive?

Lund has incorrectly interpreted that I was referring to disease or HIV/AIDS. It has nothing to do with disease. It clearly says 'homosexuality' not HIV/AIDS. It refers to what can happen when a young person is informed 'over and over' that homosexuality is normal and acceptable. Deem something acceptable - - increase the likelihood of participation. To disagree with this is admitting to idiocy and/or complete ignorance about basic human behaviour.

Come on people, wake up! It's time to stand together and take whatever steps are necessary to reverse the wickedness that our lethargy has authorized to spawn. Where homosexuality flourishes, all manner of wickedness abounds.

Well, at time of writing this letter, I am a full-time youth minister, a parent and a Christian involved in politics. The 'wickedness' that I have been highlighting in this letter involves gay activism. Let's take whatever steps are necessary to reverse what the gay activists have and are doing in our schools and in the minds of our children and youth.

For instance, let's find out what they are being taught. Let's make a concerted effort to teach them why homosexuality is immoral and dangerous. As theist's (Christian in my case), let's pray to God almighty asking for His assistance. Let's get involved politically - -vote, write letters to our MP's etc. Let's realize that this is a relevant battleground of our day and fight the good fight.

My letter, nor any other newspaper story, can be held accountable for the criminal actions of another even if it was a gay teacher or activist who was beat up two weeks after my letter and the assailant said "I am part of Stephen Boissoin's war against gay activists" but that wasn't even close to the case...was it?

Regardless of what you hear, the militant homosexual agenda isn't rooted in protecting homosexuals from "gay bashing." The agenda is clearly about homosexual activists that include, teachers, politicians, lawyers, Supreme Court judges, and God forbid, even so-called ministers, who are all determined to gain complete equality in our nation and even worse, our world.

Gay activists want you to believe that homosexuals have it worse than everyone else. They want you to believe that they need special protections. They disguise a scientifically baseless pro-homosexual agenda which is desinged to promote homosexuality by telling us that it is all about tolerance. I am all for tolerance. Nobody has the right to physically harm a person because of their sexual orientation! If the agenda stopped there, I would have little to say but instead it pushes homosexuality on our society, on our children and I am going to do my part to voice my opposition to it. Nothing normal about homosexuality in my books.

Don't allow yourself to be deceived any longer. These activists are not morally upright citizens, concerned about the best interests of our society. They are perverse, self-centered and morally deprived individuals who are spreading their psychological disease into every area of our lives. Homosexual rights activists and those that defend them, are just as immoral as the pedophiles, drug dealers and pimps that plague our communities.
According to my personal and religious beliefs, teaching a child that homosexuality is normal and acceptable is JUST AS IMMORAL as how a pedophile, drug dealer and pimp seduces a child/young person.
The homosexual agenda is not gaining ground because it is morally backed. It is gaining ground simply because you, Mr. and Mrs. Heterosexual, do nothing to stop it. It is only a matter of time before some of these morally bankrupt individuals such as those involved with NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Lovers Association, will achieve their goal to have sexual relations with children and assert that it is a matter of free choice and claim that we are intolerant bigots not to accept it. If you are reading this and think that this is alarmist, then I simply ask you this: how bad do things have to become before you will get involved? It's time to start taking back what the enemy has taken from you. The safety and future of our children is at stake.

Homosexual activists are an enemy of certain values that I hold as a Christian. It's time to start fighting back in an attempt to protect these values. The safety and future of our children is at stake.

Rev. Stephen Boissoin
Central Alberta Chairman (Since Resigned)
Concerned Christian Coalition
l Agenda Wicked- Red Deer Advocate June 17, 2002

Disclaimer: I do not encourage, condone, support or approve of ANY violent act towards ANY individual(s) unless in self-defence or the defence of the innocent.

"Love must be sincere.
Hate what is evil; cling to what is good."
Romans 12:9

The following is not intended for those who are suffering from an unwanted sexual identity crisis. For you, I have understanding, care, compassion and tolerance. I sympathize with you and offer you my love and fellowship. I prayerfully beseech you to seek help, and I assure you that your present enslavement to homosexuality can be remedied. Many outspoken, former homosexuals are free today.

Instead, this is aimed precisely at every individual that in any way supports the homosexual machine that has been mercilessly gaining ground in our society since the 1960s. I cannot pity you any longer and remain inactive. You have caused far too much damage.

My banner has now been raised and war has been declared so as to defend the precious sanctity of our innocent children and youth, that you so eagerly toil, day and night, to consume. With me stand the greatest weapons that you have encountered to date - God and the "Moral Majority." Know this, we will defeat you, then heal the damage that you have caused. Modern society has become dispassionate to the cause of righteousness. Many people are so apathetic and desensitized today that they cannot even accurately define the term "morality."

The masses have dug in and continue to excuse their failure to stand against horrendous atrocities such as the aggressive propagation of homo- and bisexuality. Inexcusable justifications such as, "I'm just not sure where the truth lies," or "If they don't affect me then I don't care what they do," abound from the lips of the quantifiable majority.

Face the facts, it is affecting you. Like it or not, every professing heterosexual is have their future aggressively chopped at the roots.

Edmund Burke's observation that, "All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing," has been confirmed time and time again. From kindergarten class on, our children, your grandchildren are being strategically targeted, psychologically abused and brainwashed by homosexual and pro-homosexual educators.

Our children are being victimized by repugnant and premeditated strategies, aimed at desensitizing and eventually recruiting our young into their camps. Think about it, children as young as five and six years of age are being subjected to psychologically and physiologically damaging pro-homosexual literature and guidance in the public school system; all under the fraudulent guise of equal rights.
Your children are being warped into believing that same-sex families are acceptable; that men kissing men is appropriate.

Your teenagers are being instructed on how to perform so-called safe same gender oral and anal sex and at the same time being told that it is normal, natural and even productive. Will your child be the next victim that tests homosexuality positive?

Come on people, wake up! It's time to stand together and take whatever steps are necessary to reverse the wickedness that our lethargy has authorized to spawn. Where homosexuality flourishes, all manner of wickedness abounds.

Regardless of what you hear, the militant homosexual agenda isn't rooted in protecting homosexuals from "gay bashing." The agenda is clearly about homosexual activists that include, teachers, politicians, lawyers, Supreme Court judges, and God forbid, even so-called ministers, who are all determined to gain complete equality in our nation and even worse, our world.

Don't allow yourself to be deceived any longer. These activists are not morally upright citizens, concerned about the best interests of our society. They are perverse, self-centered and morally deprived individuals who are spreading their psychological disease into every area of our lives. Homosexual rights activists and those that defend them, are just as immoral as the pedophiles, drug dealers and pimps that plague our communities.
According to my personal and religious beliefs, teaching a child that homosexuality is normal and acceptable is JUST AS IMMORAL as how a pedophile, drug dealer and pimp seduces a child/young person.
The homosexual agenda is not gaining ground because it is morally backed. It is gaining ground simply because you, Mr. and Mrs. Heterosexual, do nothing to stop it. It is only a matter of time before some of these morally bankrupt individuals such as those involved with NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Lovers Association, will achieve their goal to have sexual relations with children and assert that it is a matter of free choice and claim that we are intolerant bigots not to accept it. If you are reading this and think that this is alarmist, then I simply ask you this: how bad do things have to become before you will get involved? It's time to start taking back what the enemy has taken from you. The safety and future of our children is at stake.

Rev. Stephen Boissoin
Central Alberta Chairman (Since Resigned)
Concerned Christian Coalition
Five Questions for Getting Truth
into the Discussion

The following five questions will lead, with moral and intellectual integrity, to a reliable conclusion to the question:
Should civil or ecclesiastical government approve
the homosexual legislative agenda?
Yes or No? And why?

Whatever else homosexuality might be, it is at least a behavior. We are forbidden to judge persons (which God alone can do), but we are required to judge behavior (every law, divine or civil, is a commandment to judge behavior -- our own first, and, when appropriate, that of others).

Q1. Homosexuality is a behavior. What behavior, precisely, are we being asked to approve? We do not want to buy a pig in a poke. What are the behaviors and approximate percentages of homosexual persons who engage in these behaviors?
Advocates of homosexuality will seldom volunteer to explain their sexual behavior. Rather, they deliberately hide their behavior from public discussion (see After the Ball, by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, two primary homosexualist strategists, who recommend this deceit as a part of their strategy). Truthful policy-makers must learn on their own to explain the behavior -- publicly.
One begins by asking them to explain the behavior so an honest assessment can be made. Wait patiently for a clear answer. Only when they are unable or unwilling, should our side offer what we have garnered from reliable studies, asking, "Is this your understanding of typical homosexual behavior? Is this what the Church and America are being asked to approve? If you think this inaccurate, to what better studies can you point us?"
Studies from both sides focus on the same behaviors with reasonably similar figures on what percentages of homosexual persons engage in them. There is little debate about the general picture of the sadly misnamed "gay" lifestyle.

The following figures are taken from one of the largest (850 pp.) studies on this subject, "The Gay Report" (1979), by two homosexual researchers, Karla Jay and Allen Young. The pair and their respondents are stunningly candid. According to their research:
Around 99% of homosexual males engage in oral sex; 91% engage in anal sex; 82% engage in "rimming", touching the anus of one's partner with one's tongue and inserting the tongue into the anus; 22% engage in "fisting", inserting one's fist into the rectum of the partner; 23% engage in "golden showers", urinating on each other; 4% engage in "scat", the eating of feces, and in "mud rolling", rolling on the floor where feces have been deposited.
Homosexual promiscuity is enormous. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine indicates that the average active homosexual male ingests the fecal material of 23 different men each year (largely from rimming), and that the number of sexual partners averages nearly 100. Homosexual persons, per year, on average fellated 106 different men, swallowed 50 of their seminal ejaculations, and had 72 penile penetrations of the anus.
[FYI: type ‘homosexual’ along with any of the behaviors above into the Google search engine. These practices are widespread.]

Q2. What are the medical, psychological, and sociological consequences of homosexual behavior, and of defending such behavior? Put very briefly...
Medical consequencesare so devastating that the average practicing homosexual person loses from 25% to 40% of his/her lifespan, typically not living beyond 50 in a culture where we average well into our 70's. Sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) commonly gotten from homosexual behavior include gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis A and B, anal cancer, amoebic "gay" bowel disease, and herpes. Over 50% of American HIV/AIDS cases are contracted by practicing homosexual persons -- less than 3% of the population. The Red Cross will not accept blood from anyone who has had same-sex sex, even once, since 1977. Joel Beltz writes in World Magazine, "Here is a whole category of people in our culture today unable to perform a basic function of human society – to share their blood with their fellow human beings."
Homosexual behavior is lethal. Nearly 1,000,000 Americans have been infected with HIV -- and 400,000 have died -- of a behavior-caused, and thus preventable, disease, largely because those in the medical watchtowers have remained silent as this enemy of social order entered the gates and seized the levers of power. There is no excuse for the abysmal ignorance of the public, nor for the cowardice of medical (and other) professionals in sounding the warning.
Psychologically, the evidence shows homosexuality to be compulsive and addictive. When warned that continuing their behavior would result in a high death rate, homosexually active persons typically respond that such a request was an attack on their identity and personhood, not on their behavior. "Homosexuality is who I am, not what I do!!" The continued justification and practice of self-destructive behavior, even when warned, is evidence of a compulsive and addictive pattern.
The social consequences of the homosexual agenda include the deconstruction of marriage and of sexual morality, and the criminalization of honest discussion through "hate-crime" laws.
Marriage between a man and a woman is the foundation of family. The family is the building block of society. God, not the State, created the family when He created the human race in His image, male and female. The State only recognizes, not creates, marriage. Where there is no legal proscription of homosexuality, there is then no legal barrier to same-sex marriage, nor, soon, to any of the other "pan-sexual" arrangements, all of which undermine social order.
Anti-discrimination based on "sexual orientation" opens the pansexual door, permitting pedophilia, pederasty, adultery, bestiality, polygamy, and others. Pederasty and pedophilia are largely subsets of homosexuality. Supporters of the whole range of pansexuality are already bringing cases to court, based on the recent Supreme Court decision striking down sodomy laws in Texas.
There is no bottom to this pit. One asks, "Which of these homosexual behaviors do you think God (or the State) ought to bless?" Homosexual behavior makes no more sense than playing in the toilet.

Q3. Is homosexuality a genuine inborn identity, a choice, or a compulsive, often lethal addiction?
Prior to the 1990's, no researchers on either side of the fence said either that homosexuality was genetic, inborn, or otherwise "hardwired", or that one could not change one's orientation. Alfred Kinsey, John Money, Masters and Johnson, all pansexual proponents, said that persons could change, and that it was their own business. It was difficult, but possible.
Not until the 1990's did homosexual activists discover the "PR" value of getting people to believe that their condition was "genetic" or "biologically determined". Several studies during the early and middle '90's were alleged to prove such. The claim was false. Not one of those studies has survived scientific peer review, and few, if any, researchers today will support that claim. Even some homosexual groups are now admitting the "inborn" case to have failed.
The prodigious promiscuity in disease-causing behavior, coupled with denial of lethal dangers, provides incontestable evidence that the homosexual orientation is a compulsive and addictive condition -- with practitioners looking for self-justification in a pseudo-identity.

Q4. Given the answers to #1-3 above: Would a loving person (God, or a compassionate legislator) approve homosexual behavior, or reject and forbid it? Would such behavior be consistent or inconsistent for persons made -- male and female -- in the image of a loving and reasonable God?
Love not based on objective truth is no love at all. It is betrayal. Love seeks the welfare of the beloved, not emotional bondage. Love speaks the hard truth even when it causes pain, and will not allow a person caught in bondage to define the diagnosis. A loving response does not condemn persons, but gives a candid assessment of behavior. A loving person condemns the sin precisely so that the sinner will not be condemned, neither by God nor by the behavior itself. Tough love.
In America, all civil laws proscribing behaviors harmful to persons, property, and the public good are based ultimately on Biblical moral codes, including the Ten Commandments, i.e., on the law of God. Thus, to say, as some do, that "you cannot legislate morality" is disingenuous, illogical, and contrary to historical fact. All law, without exception, is based on someone's moral code, someone's understanding of right and wrong. Morality is the only thing we legislate. Easily available evidence shows that American law is based on the Judeo-Christian revelation of the will of God, who designs laws for human benefit and prosperity. (Read, for example, Original Intent, by David Barton.)
Given the evidence above, a loving person, God, or other legislators, would say "No" to homosexual behavior.

Q5. Given the answer to #4: What should the public do (personal action, law enforcement, in the Church) about this situation?
How might Church and State go about implementing a "no" response to homosexual claims with both truth and compassion?
Honest public policy would conjoin truth, righteousness, and love. It would call an addiction an addiction, and then assist those seeking help. Honest public policy would insist on candid discussion of health issues (i.e., honest science) with appropriate public health measures. It would stop the common subversion of public health policy which betrays those very persons badly in need of honest discussion, trapped in an addiction.
Civil government faithful to its constituents would not allow activists to subvert discussion of homosexual behavior or its impact on public health and welfare. Two issues must be considered.
1. Non-Discrimination Laws: The freedom of religious communities to conduct affairs, such as hiring, and the freedom of individuals to conduct their home life according to their own moral standards must be protected. Homosexual activists are aiming at coercing employment and housing policy to enforce their pseudo-nondiscrimination, a situation already true in Canada, Europe, and in parts of America. Churches and para-church organizations would be forced to hire persons who violate the spiritual and moral base of the group. Owners of homes and apartments would be forced to share their own space with persons of a contrary moral and/or spiritual view -- as has already happened in Madison, Wisconsin.
Valid inclusiveness does not validate immoral behavior. Every law discriminates. That is the purpose of laws. The proper basis for discrimination is the moral judgement of the people, under God, through their elected legislators.
2. Hate-Crime Laws: The proper object of law is behavior, not attitude or belief. Hate-crime laws attempt to regulate feelings and attitudes to subversively gain an end they cannot attain in open discussion. They are often used to shut down the very public discussion of homosexual behavior necessary to rational public policy, and thus they violate the proper inclusiveness and pluralism necessary to a democratic republic. Honest inclusiveness or pluralism does not say that every view is right, but rather that every view is welcome into the public discussion to be tested to find out whether it is the right one for the circumstances. Views are plural, but truth is singular.
A loving church would offer the gifts of salvation: repentance, forgiveness, with restoration of innocence and reason for existence. It would hold persons accountable for good behavior, offer prayer, help in finding resources for overcoming self-destructive patterns, and provide companionship along the way. The church would offer resources for spiritual and emotional healing, and for discipleship into mature man- and womanhood.
And finally, the church would stand firmly for rational public policy which would assist in these compassionate aims.
Ergo, the Question: Should either civil or ecclesiastical government approve the homosexual legislative agenda?
The Answer: the five questions above lead to one reasonable and compassionate answer. Truth and compassion both tell us, "No."
Government regulates everything from bungee jumping, to tattoos, to cigarette smoking "for the benefit of the public". It is therefore facetious to suggest that government has no authority to craft policies to restrict sexual behaviors which adversely affect public health.
A homosexual person is entitled to the same civil rights as every other citizen -- according to the rules of honest inclusiveness and pluralism. Society is not obligated to legitimize dangerous sexual behavior any more than adultery, gambling, or drug use. The much touted privacy of homosexual behavior ("Stay our of our bedrooms!") does not mean the public is not affected. Both private and public acts of homosexual persons have profoundly affected the whole public and private order: our education system, our media, our political system, our medical system, and our Churches, often through deceit, manipulation, or intimidation. When private acts have damaging public consequences, as the homosexual agenda does, society has a legitimate interest in protecting the public from those consequences.
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