我面试 了无数家licensed home daycare 和private home daycare, 比较倾向于licensed home daycare. licensed home daycare 一般通过agency 找, 比如weeWatch, mothercraft 等等 ( http://www.childcareinformation.ca/forms/hcc_List.pdf ) 。我的是通过weeWatch 找的,非常满意他们的service.他们只对provider 收取费用,对家长来说是免费的。licensed home daycare 是在agency 的监督,训练,和严格管理下运行。比如说要求两岁以下的孩子不能超过两个,三岁以下的孩子不能超过三个等等 (in case of house fire, one person can only carry two babies out at the same time),房子设施必须通过baby proof 检查,全家人十六岁的以上都要递交无犯罪记录,provider 本人递交身体和精神状况健康证明。所烹调的食物必须符合 Canada food guide 标准。 agency 每月至少一次对所属home daycare进行事先未通知的袭击性检查,检查报告会写给家长。agency 按人头比例对下属home daycare 收取费用,同时也提供所需设施,比如stroller, play pen 和 high chair(每个小孩一个), 甚至玩具; 对provider 进行每月一次training。当provider 生病,休假时,agency 负责提供不额外收费的Backup 等等。家长若对daycare 有什么要求或意见,可以跟agency交涉,不用直接confront with daycare.通过agency 找的home daycare 不一定比private 的贵,甚至有些还更便宜,我的 (一岁)是$39一天,可以凭agency 提供的receipt 申请退税。
我面试 了无数家licensed home daycare 和private home daycare, 比较倾向于licensed home daycare. licensed home daycare 一般通过agency 找, 比如weeWatch, mothercraft 等等 ( http://www.childcareinformation.ca/forms/hcc_List.pdf ) 。我的是通过weeWatch 找的,非常满意他们的service.他们只对provider 收取费用,对家长来说是免费的。licensed home daycare 是在agency 的监督,训练,和严格管理下运行。比如说要求两岁以下的孩子不能超过两个,三岁以下的孩子不能超过三个等等 (in case of house fire, one person can only carry two babies out at the same time),房子设施必须通过baby proof 检查,全家人十六岁的以上都要递交无犯罪记录,provider 本人递交身体和精神状况健康证明。所烹调的食物必须符合 Canada food guide 标准。 agency 每月至少一次对所属home daycare进行事先未通知的袭击性检查,检查报告会写给家长。agency 按人头比例对下属home daycare 收取费用,同时也提供所需设施,比如stroller, play pen 和 high chair(每个小孩一个), 甚至玩具; 对provider 进行每月一次training。当provider 生病,休假时,agency 负责提供不额外收费的Backup 等等。家长若对daycare 有什么要求或意见,可以跟agency交涉,不用直接confront with daycare.通过agency 找的home daycare 不一定比private 的贵,甚至有些还更便宜,我的 (一岁)是$39一天,可以凭agency 提供的receipt 申请退税。
Thanks for the info. guys. Lately, I've been busy looking for daycare. The boys are on the waiting list for the licensed daycare center, there's one has space but isn't in the school bus zone for the school my son goes to. There are about 5 licensed daycare centers in the area, but only one center has busing service, it's ridiculous! I'm very upset and frustrated. Today I wrote to the student transportation authority to make a request. The school told me you can make a request but it never get approved. I gave it a try anyway, at least made my voice heard. They might consider to change in the future, who knows.