KLCA Membership,
The rink committee is looking for volunteers to help maintain the rink at Whalen park (beside All Saints High School) this winter. Responsibilities for each person would be approximately once per week and would include :
i) clearing snow
ii) flooding
This would occur mostly after 10:30 at night.
Please provide your contact name if you are interested. Please feel free to forward this to anyone else you know that might be interested.
[FONT="]David Watkinson :davesens17@gmail.com[/FONT]
The rink committee is looking for volunteers to help maintain the rink at Whalen park (beside All Saints High School) this winter. Responsibilities for each person would be approximately once per week and would include :
i) clearing snow
ii) flooding
This would occur mostly after 10:30 at night.
Please provide your contact name if you are interested. Please feel free to forward this to anyone else you know that might be interested.
[FONT="]David Watkinson :davesens17@gmail.com[/FONT]