engine 灯亮

you may check the gas cap any loose.
Make sure gas cap tight enough, you should tight until you hear snap sound

Make sure steering fluid filled to the level marked on container

Usually, there may be leaks somewhere in the system

most likely one or two sensors need to be replaced

A repair shop can tell you what is the problem suspected


必须用OBD II Code Reader 读码,看看什么原因,然后取消警告。
其实有很多原因都会导致CHECK ENGINE灯亮 向LS说的必须用哪个读码的
Engine Check Light On

其实有很多原因都会导致CHECK ENGINE灯亮 向LS说的必须用哪个读码的

Thanks in advanced.

In this morning, speeding up to pass a bus, the engine check light was flashing several times and is on for now. And it is a little bit shaking while waiting for the tracffic light. Does it mean these injections are dirty...I changed them about 4 years ago and it is about 60k KM so far. Should I change them? My car is VR6 jetta..

Thx again
Thanks in advanced.

In this morning, speeding up to pass a bus, the engine check light was flashing several times and is on for now. And it is a little bit shaking while waiting for the tracffic light. Does it mean these injections are dirty...I changed them about 4 years ago and it is about 60k KM so far. Should I change them? My car is VR6 jetta..

Thx again



Many Thanks. I already read it with my friend's help. It is misfired and I need to change a cable. Thanks ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
今天我也遇到这个问题, Check Engine 灯亮. 哪位大侠有读码器 (OBD II Code Reader), 可否借用一下? 请发"悄悄话"联系. 多谢.
今天我也遇到这个问题, Check Engine 灯亮. 哪位大侠有读码器 (OBD II Code Reader), 可否借用一下? 请发"悄悄话"联系. 多谢.

请问车在哪里?如在KANATA,明天中午帮你免费读一下。如在ST. LAURENT CENTER附近,就找一摸黑读一下,我想也是免费的。

车在KANATA. 无论以那种方式帮助都感谢你.

请问车在哪里?如在KANATA,明天中午帮你免费读一下。如在ST. LAURENT CENTER附近,就找一摸黑读一下,我想也是免费的。
