我是上个月中旬在shoppers买的 $249 + 税 (Toy R Us $199 + 税). 我不是母乳喂养,只是刚生完宝宝涨奶的时候用了几次,所以几乎全新!
现在价格是$170,有意的妈妈可以打电话:613 8596175
Medela Swing Breast Pump - with BPA Free Bottles
电动吸奶器,可插电源也可用电池,带一个小包,2个奶瓶, 有按摩功能 (hospital recommended)
The only single electric personal use pump with breakthrough 2-Phase Expression technology for maximum milk flow. First researched and developed for hospital breastpumps, 2-Phase Expression is an advanced pumping pattern that mimics a baby's natural nursing rhythm by pumping in two distinct modes.An electric breastpump which perfectly adapts to the daily routine of a dynamic mother. Ideal for occasional or frequent pumping -- handy, trendy and quiet.
现在价格是$170,有意的妈妈可以打电话:613 8596175
Medela Swing Breast Pump - with BPA Free Bottles
电动吸奶器,可插电源也可用电池,带一个小包,2个奶瓶, 有按摩功能 (hospital recommended)
The only single electric personal use pump with breakthrough 2-Phase Expression technology for maximum milk flow. First researched and developed for hospital breastpumps, 2-Phase Expression is an advanced pumping pattern that mimics a baby's natural nursing rhythm by pumping in two distinct modes.An electric breastpump which perfectly adapts to the daily routine of a dynamic mother. Ideal for occasional or frequent pumping -- handy, trendy and quiet.