音乐小神童Anita Pari

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她的父亲是意大利人,母亲是中国人,今年只有11岁,但是已经在钢琴演奏上多次荣获大奖,其中包括2009年加拿大音乐大赛中她获得10岁组第一名,2009年安大略省注册音乐教师大赛中她获得全省乐器类第一名,她还获得皇家音乐学院的两枚银质奖章。2008年她受邀在渥太华室内音乐节的新星音乐会上演奏,同年及2009年更分别与Karishmeh Felfeli和André Laplante在大师级别的音乐会上同台演奏。她就是音乐小神童安妮塔•林青•湃瑞(Anita Pari)

安妮塔从三岁起就开始在音乐早期教育课程Music For Young Children (MYC)学习乐理和钢琴。此后她一直师从Heather Norian,直到两年前她成为渥太华大学音乐学院教授Andrew Tunis的学生。目前她已经通过多伦多皇家音乐学院钢琴一到十级考试,正在准备最高级别ARCT证书考试。

Anita在大提琴演奏和作曲方面也有惊人的成绩,在两个项目上都曾获得全国性大奖。关于她在音乐上的成就,2009年8月发表于渥太华主要报纸The Ottawa Citizen上的一篇文章作了很好的说明(参见A classical triple threat: 'Exceptional' young musician excels in piano, cello and composing, Steven Mazey, The Ottawa CitizenPublished: Saturday, August 01, 2009)。Anita将于今年5月在渥太华大学的Freiman Hall举办她的首场个人钢琴演奏会。

这次By Youth For Youth 青少年慈善音乐会上, 安妮塔将演奏钢琴诗人肖邦的第五首练习曲即黑键练习曲(Etude Op. 10, no. 5, "Black Keys"), 以及加拿大现代作曲家Marjan Mozetich 的作品。

演出时间:2月7日(星期日) 下午2:30 准时开始,大约两小时

演出地点:First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa (30 Cleary Avenue, off Richmond)

建议票价:成人每人 $20, 长者和学生每人$10。 购票满$20以上可要求加拿大红十字会出具慈善捐款收据。




A classical triple threat
'Exceptional' young musician excels in piano, cello and composing
Steven Mazey, The Ottawa Citizen


Published: Saturday, August 01, 2009

She plays the piano, the cello and composes in her spare time, and 11-year-old Anita Pari has won prizes for all three at recent national competitions.

The home-schooled Ottawa musician studies piano with Andrew Tunis, cello with Anne Contant and composition with Colin Mack.
Ottawa audiences will hear her at the keyboard when she performs in a master class with pianist André Laplante on Sunday afternoon presented by the Ottawa Chamber Music Festival.

At the national finals of the Canadian Music Competition in Montreal in early July, Pari competed in piano and cello on the same day. She took home first prize in her age category and a mark of 98 per cent in piano, second prize and a mark of 95 per cent in cello.
In a classical triple crown, she found out two weeks ago she has been awarded first prize nationally in her age group for her composition Sonatina in C major, through the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers' national competition.

Slender and soft spoken, Pari started playing piano at age three and cello at the advanced age of seven.
She has a slight preference for piano, but also loves "the way the cello sings," she said when the Citizen caught up with the other day at the beginning of a piano lesson with Tunis in his studio at the University of Ottawa.

Pari is the only student outside of his university students that Tunis has agreed to teach.
"Her achievement in two disciplines is quite something," says Tunis, who describes her as "an exceptional musical talent with an impeccable ear and a remarkable focus and concentration in her playing. She also has an
instinctive feel for beautiful piano sound, colour and texture. One can easily forget that she is only 11 years old. She has a lively curiosity and a desire to learn all she can about music.

"She really has all the ingredients to become a first-class musician."
Also performing for Laplante Sunday will be Ottawa pianist Suren Barry, 19, a scholarship student at the Glenn Gould School in Toronto who has won several prizes in area competitions, including the Marion Hewitt scholarship at last year's Kiwanis Festival.


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