郁闷+担心:怀孕早期验血结果没给查黄体酮/Progesterone 这一项?

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 ynnus
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其实最想看的就是黄体酮的结果,结果竟然没给查?!这个在国内是必须的阿,HCG 和黄体酮都是一起查的。如果母体的黄体酮不足是可以打针或者吃药补充的。


最郁闷的是我和家庭医生说了这个担心(黄体和胎停),他说是胎停是由于胚胎质量决定的,不能人为的补充什么。明明在中外网站上都有写着:黄体不足可以导致胎停,黄体功能是取决于母体的, HCG数值上不去才是胚胎不好,并且有很多方式可以在怀孕早期补充黄体酮的。他当时态度很坚决,我也没再说,想等验血结果出来再说吧,结果竟然都没查这一项!我有些担心, 是不是这个家庭医生对黄体酮等不太了解,所以当时在验血单子上没check Progesterone 这一项?

想问问大家查血时候有没有Progesterone 这一项阿?不知道是国外不很care这一项还是我医生的原因阿?唉,成天担心着,又无能为力。:crying:
我也是二次BABY在8周左右停胎,看起来是要回国看看了,在国外医生说自然流产三次才给查原因. 所以我一直都不知道这二次自然流产是什么原因导致地!我一直乱猜原因.
自然流产的原因很多,如果你平时的例假不太正常(包括周期、持续时间等),那么有可能和内分泌有关,可以查查性激素六项;如果你的家族里有甲亢或甲减病史的,还可以查查甲状腺功能(TSH和FSH)。其他可能的原因还有受到弓形虫及风疹等病毒感染,可以查TORCH Infection。这些都是比较简单的验血查验的项目,只是我不知道这边的医生会不会同意随时给你查这些。回国检查的话,查到后面有些项目(比如染色体等)是需要夫妻双方一同检查的,并且等待结果出来的时间很长。

They don't. I asked my family doc before, and he said they will offer these checks if you have over 3 times misscarriages :crying:
我也是二次BABY在8周左右停胎,看起来是要回国看看了,在国外医生说自然流产三次才给查原因. 所以我一直都不知道这二次自然流产是什么原因导致地!我一直乱猜原因.

Mine was at 9 week last time. So regreted that I should get all these checked before I came here.
I got the same answer from the doctor: 3 times! treat people from statistic numbers?! Doesn't make any sense to me :wall:
Blood test for progesterone level is not standard here for healthy pregnancy. However, if you are really worried, you could ask your family doctor for an early ultrasound. The standard ultrasound is at 12 weeks, but you can get one at around 7 weeks, where they can detect heart beat and growth. Usually, with healthy heart beat, your risk of miscarriage is reduced by 90%.

LZ should not worry too much. Progesterone level is only one of the many factors potentially causing miscarriage. If you are really worried, you could also ask your doctor for a prescription of progesterone for the first 3 months. I took them in the first trimester and my doctor said that while it has not been proven to be effective in preventing miscarriage, it does not hurt.

If you notice any spotting, go see your doctor right away.
Blood test for progesterone level is not standard here for healthy pregnancy. However, if you are really worried, you could ask your family doctor for an early ultrasound. The standard ultrasound is at 12 weeks, but you can get one at around 7 weeks, where they can detect heart beat and growth. Usually, with healthy heart beat, your risk of miscarriage is reduced by 90%.

LZ should not worry too much. Progesterone level is only one of the many factors potentially causing miscarriage. If you are really worried, you could also ask your doctor for a prescription of progesterone for the first 3 months. I took them in the first trimester and my doctor said that while it has not been proven to be effective in preventing miscarriage, it does not hurt.

If you notice any spotting, go see your doctor right away.

Thanks a lot for your information!:). Ive booked an ultrasound next week (week 8), hope everything is good! Im not worry that much now , even kind of excited....to see my baby in several days :)
Thanks a lot for your information!:). Ive booked an ultrasound next week (week 8), hope everything is good! Im not worry that much now , even kind of excited....to see my baby in several days :)

good luck, it is pretty exciting to see the heart beat for the first time!