This, but I can't judge the entire realm by Red Cliff's horrible horrible performance. Unskilled tank, undergeared and "under-IQ'd" healer going after triumph badge bosses in old kingdom and wiping the group multiple times then bailing after the last wipe on trash right before the last boss. I'm so glad I waited 15minutes in queue for that group.
不可能以偏概全 但是希望所有属于我们工会的人为这个工会着想
ninja 不好好tank 不好好奶 随便AFK 这种不礼貌也不尊重人的行为还是注意些的好 谨此提个醒
This, but I can't judge the entire realm by Red Cliff's horrible horrible performance. Unskilled tank, undergeared and "under-IQ'd" healer going after triumph badge bosses in old kingdom and wiping the group multiple times then bailing after the last wipe on trash right before the last boss. I'm so glad I waited 15minutes in queue for that group.
不可能以偏概全 但是希望所有属于我们工会的人为这个工会着想
ninja 不好好tank 不好好奶 随便AFK 这种不礼貌也不尊重人的行为还是注意些的好 谨此提个醒