By Youth For Youth 青少年慈善音乐会, organized by the Ottawa Association of Chinese-Canadian University Alumni, has raised $8645.04 for Haiti. With Canadian Government’s Dollar-to-Dollar Match fund a total of $17,290.08 will be eventually raised by the event and be used for Haiti earthquake relief efforts through the Canadian Red Cross Society
The organizing committee wishes to thank each individual who has made contribution to the success of the 2010 BYFY Haiti Earthquake Relief Concert:
The organizing committee wishes to thank each individual who has made contribution to the success of the 2010 BYFY Haiti Earthquake Relief Concert:
The event title sponsor, Canada Naturals
(“Proudly supporting the community where we work and live”
1-866-999-4077 )
(“Proudly supporting the community where we work and live”
1-866-999-4077 )
Sixty Two Musicians and Performers
Their parents and Teachers
Graphic Artists
Their parents and Teachers
Graphic Artists
all the audiences for coming and for generous support