As a lead-in to the release of Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight, EA Games has released Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun and its expansion pack 'Firestorm' free of charge. It joins the original Command & Conquer and Command & Conquer: Red Alert as free downloads on the Command and Conquer Classics Page. Installation instructions are provided on the page.
It's free and a fun revisit to some PC gaming from the late 90s, so what are you waiting for?
A lot of readers have shared this freebie with us in the forums and by email, so a big thanks to all of them!
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It's free and a fun revisit to some PC gaming from the late 90s, so what are you waiting for?
A lot of readers have shared this freebie with us in the forums and by email, so a big thanks to all of them!
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