我也在吃这个。医生推荐我同时吃Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle 两种herb. 效果非常好。开始宝宝的排泄物颜色也是暗绿色,过一天就好了,变成了黄色。如果排泄物比较稀,医生和护士说是正常的。
最好你问问家庭医生或是护士。你也可以咨询nurses in the public health service. 1-888-290-6136 or 613-482-4222.
I know one lactation consultant, she is a very nice lady. Her name is Diana Adam. She can provide free consulting about nursing. You can contact her at 613-745-0073. It is her to recommend me to take those two herb medication.
I hope this will help you somewhat. Good luck!!