Ottawa street prostitution is centered in two main areas. First is in the Byward market area with the main street being Dalhousie. The second is in Vanier and they are usually standing on the steet corners on Montreal Rd. There are two basic types of prostitutes. The first is the ones that are controlled by pimps, and there price is usually $60 for BJ and $100 for sex. The second type are independants and their prices are a lot cheaper...$25 for BJ and $40 for sex. These independants are usually not dressed with thigh-high boots, they usually wear sneakers and dressed very normally. For escort services, there are a lot of ads in the Ottawa Sun and the going price seem to be $150 for a half and hour. There are also many massage places, and when asked how much a massage is, they usually state that it is $30 and the women work on tips. These prices are in Cdn dollars