[问题] 法国人在加拿大有多少,华人呢?


French are down to about 22%, Chinese ... can't say but I would guess around 5 or 6%.
最初由 entendre 发布
French are down to about 22%, Chinese ... can't say but I would guess around 5 or 6%.

How can you read Chinese? Are you using Chinese OS? Why don't you typ e in Chinese so that we can help you improve it.
don't have the necessary software on this computer, and I'm sure you'll agree that for a non-native speaker it is a lot easier to read than to write a second language
thanks for offering the help though! it is appreciated.
最初由 entendre 发布
thanks for offering the help though! it is appreciated.

I understand. It has taken me many years to reach my current writing proficiency in English, which is still not good enough. The gap between these two languages is so huge that each side feels extremely hard to master the language of the other side. Anyway, I do think people from different cultures can get closer to friendship by learning each other's language. Hope you keep participating the discussion on this forum. You can improve your Chinese, we can improve our English! You should keep learning Chinese since you have already had such a good foundation. Don't waste it. Not very many western people have this advantage. Your knowledge of Chinese could be your valuable asset as the influence of China has becoming more and more significant. Don't waste it! Keep it up!
Top 25 Ethnic Origins in Canada (1), Showing Single and Multiple Responses, 1996 Census (20% Sample Data)

Total population = 28,528,125

1 Canadian (4) 8,806,275
2 English 6,832,095
3 French 5,597,845
4 Scottish 4,260,840
5 Irish 3,767,610
6 German 2,757,140
7 Italian 1,207,475
8 Aboriginal origins (5) 1,101,955
9 Ukrainian 1,026,475
10 Chinese 921,585
11 Dutch (Netherlands) 916,215
12 Polish 786,735
13 South Asian origins (6) 723,345
14 Jewish 351,705
15 Norwegian 346,310
16 Welsh 338,905
17 Portuguese 335,110
18 Swedish 278,975
19 Russian 272,335
20 Hungarian (Magyar) 250,525
21 Filipino 242,880
22 American 211,790
23 Spanish 204,360
24 Greek 203,345
25 Jamaican 188,770

Source: Statistics Canada
I think when the new census comes out you see the drop in French and increase in Chinese quite significantly ... as an aside, French have the one of the lowest birth rates among Canada's ethnic groups.
的移民,每年几万。我看Air Canada从北京到多伦多的航线是世界上最繁忙的航线了
最初由 sage 发布
Top 25 Ethnic Origins in Canada (1), Showing Single and Multiple Responses, 1996 Census (20% Sample Data)

Total population = 28,528,125

1 Canadian (4) 8,806,275
2 English 6,832,0...

请问Canadian (4) 中Canadian指的什么?是在加拿大当地多少代以后的人还是?另外(4) 代表什么?多谢!
Probably the way StatsCan chooses to collect the data ... the Question likely reads " Do you Identify yourself as _______" Then gives choices including all ethnic groups and the term Canadian ... just a matter of wording, I would probably put Canadian but if I didn't think about it, I might put English as well.
Those are remarks. I didn't post the entire table, but if you are interested, here is the link from Stats Can:
entendre: every census has margin of errors, it is also explained in the remarks. However I'd consider StatsCan the most authoritative source in this area.
最初由 entendre 发布
I think when the new census comes out you see the drop in French and increase in Chinese quite significantly ... as an aside, French have the one of the lowest birth rates among Canada's ethnic groups...

Very much agreed. I read it somewhere a while ago that the Chinese has become the largest ethnic group in Canada, following English and French, surpassing Italians.
最初由 sage 发布
最初由 entendre 发布
I think when the new census comes out you see the drop in French and increase in Chinese quite significantly ... as an aside, French have the one of the lowest b...

My boss tole me Chinese population has reached 13% in total.
If you click on the hyperlink in Sage's message it will take you to "Top 25 Ethnic Origins in Canada" note the qualifier (4) beside Canadian, it reads:

4) Caution should be used in comparing data for "Canadian" ethnic origin between censuses.

The increase in the reporting of “Canadian” is the result of a number of factors. The change in the format of the ethnic origin question between 1996 and 1991 has had an impact on counts for this group

The 1991 Census question included 15 mark-in categories and two write-in spaces for the ethnic origin question. In 1996, respondents were required to write in their ethnic origin(s) in four write-in spaces. Twenty-four examples, including "Canadian", were provided. "Canadian" was included as one of the examples on the 1996 Census questionnaire because it was one of the most frequently reported ethnic origins in the 1991 Census.

As a result of the change in format of the ethnic origin question in 1996, many respondents who checked a mark-in category to indicate their ethnic origin in 1991 may have written in "Canadian" as their ethnic origin in 1996.

Although the increase in the reporting of “Canadian” ethnic origins may have impacted the reporting of single ethnic origins for many groups, English, Irish, Scottish and French origins appear to have been particularly affected.