我每年加入CAA的目的就是怕我的车打不着火。有两次忘关灯了,电池没电了。冬天天冷,早上电池有时候就没电了。有这个电池就可以自己解决问题了。用这个就可以把汽车BOOST起来。very powerful - 12A. 可用于VAN,SUV,CAR。这是可充电的。
还有一个另外的用途:出去camping的时候,可以作为编携能源 (12VDC)。
reference information.
我买来后只用了这一个冬天,因要MOVING,have to sell.
Reply to hyangxc528@rogers.com if interested.
Mity Mite
Don't let the smallest of power source units mislead you by it's size. With its 12 amp per hour battery this baby packs some power. Compact, lightweight and easily transportable it's perfect for on the go action an it still retains a lot of the same features as it's bigger brothers. Easy to read battery status LEDs tell when internal battery is at full power, 75% charged or 50% or less. A simple push of the button instantly turns on the LEDs.
我每年加入CAA的目的就是怕我的车打不着火。有两次忘关灯了,电池没电了。冬天天冷,早上电池有时候就没电了。有这个电池就可以自己解决问题了。用这个就可以把汽车BOOST起来。very powerful - 12A. 可用于VAN,SUV,CAR。这是可充电的。
还有一个另外的用途:出去camping的时候,可以作为编携能源 (12VDC)。
reference information.
我买来后只用了这一个冬天,因要MOVING,have to sell.
Reply to hyangxc528@rogers.com if interested.
Mity Mite
Don't let the smallest of power source units mislead you by it's size. With its 12 amp per hour battery this baby packs some power. Compact, lightweight and easily transportable it's perfect for on the go action an it still retains a lot of the same features as it's bigger brothers. Easy to read battery status LEDs tell when internal battery is at full power, 75% charged or 50% or less. A simple push of the button instantly turns on the LEDs.