老 老榆树 知名会员 VIP 注册 2009-09-12 消息 217 荣誉分数 740 声望点数 103 2010-05-08 #1 本人一点儿也不懂照相机。昨天看到Futureshop的广告,这个相机大减价。减价379后卖499。请教各位行家,这东西怎么样?多谢。 Sony Alpha A330 10.2MP DSLR with 18-55mm Len Kit and 55-200mm F4/4.5 - 5.6 Telephoto Lens
本人一点儿也不懂照相机。昨天看到Futureshop的广告,这个相机大减价。减价379后卖499。请教各位行家,这东西怎么样?多谢。 Sony Alpha A330 10.2MP DSLR with 18-55mm Len Kit and 55-200mm F4/4.5 - 5.6 Telephoto Lens
T Timothy's Moderator 管理成员 VIP 注册 2004-07-30 消息 2,251 荣誉分数 50 声望点数 178 2010-05-08 #2 if you are not a person very into photographing, only take family photo when travel... That camera is too heavy and too big. A small sony, canon or nikon could be better. That is a good camera and good deal, just may not fit your needs.
if you are not a person very into photographing, only take family photo when travel... That camera is too heavy and too big. A small sony, canon or nikon could be better. That is a good camera and good deal, just may not fit your needs.
stevenw 资深人士 VIP 注册 2003-12-22 消息 1,977 荣誉分数 166 声望点数 223 2010-05-09 #3 现在第四代芯片技术的便携相机刚出来,18至30倍光学变焦,价位$200-$350, 体积和重量都比DSLR小,但比最小的傻瓜要厚的多。