嗯,和我家宝宝刚刚开始的时候一样。舌头的reflex还没有完全退掉,这个是宝宝自我保护的一种,一有东西就马上用舌头舔出来,就不会哽咽到。书上说这个表示宝宝还没有ready for solid food.我就把cereal冲得很淡很淡,一点点用勺子喂,他吐出来一点,也同时咽下去一点。过了一个星期就吃的很好了,我就慢慢的冲得稠一点了。现在吃了大概一个多月,很稠的也可以了。
http://wholesomebabyfood.com/avocadobabyfoodrecipes.html Avocado is a wonderful first food for baby. An avocado is smooth and creamy when mashed - a perfect food that will be more readily accepted as baby begins solids. Avocado may be offered as early as 4 - 6 months old. Babies need carbohydrates, and fats as well as proteins for their growth during the crucial first year and even into the second year.