阿搜 搜公馆少爷 管理成员 注册 2002-01-16 消息 9,686 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 0 2010-06-28 #3 1.smartphone market share is dropping. RIM needs to come up with something better to compete apple, otherwise it won't be long to see this company going down like nortel. 2.open the market in asia. Most of people never heard of RIM in China.
1.smartphone market share is dropping. RIM needs to come up with something better to compete apple, otherwise it won't be long to see this company going down like nortel. 2.open the market in asia. Most of people never heard of RIM in China.
苦逼热狗 路边通讯社社长 VIP 注册 2002-10-12 消息 47,114 荣誉分数 2,376 声望点数 393 2010-06-28 #4 1. agreed 2. RIM has started their business at China already.
阿搜 搜公馆少爷 管理成员 注册 2002-01-16 消息 9,686 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 0 2010-06-28 #5 变态 热狗 说: 1. agreed 2. RIM has started their business at China already. 点击展开... started doesn't mean they are in the market. I haven't seen a single blackberry in any of the cell phone market i have been to.
变态 热狗 说: 1. agreed 2. RIM has started their business at China already. 点击展开... started doesn't mean they are in the market. I haven't seen a single blackberry in any of the cell phone market i have been to.
苦逼热狗 路边通讯社社长 VIP 注册 2002-10-12 消息 47,114 荣誉分数 2,376 声望点数 393 2010-06-28 #6 我是4月份回国的时候才收到这个消息的,以前也完全没有在国内听说过黑梅
O oureal 高级会员 注册 2005-12-06 消息 539 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 28 2010-06-28 #7 Newstar01 说: RIM 这只股票究竟怎样,最近跌得厉害。 点击展开... 按照Cramer 说法;RIM现在还是太贵,还有下跌的空间; 而且Cramer推荐了CANDIES,认为这些股票今后还会有出色表现。当然了,Cramer 话也不能全信,自己的钱还得自己拿主意。
Newstar01 说: RIM 这只股票究竟怎样,最近跌得厉害。 点击展开... 按照Cramer 说法;RIM现在还是太贵,还有下跌的空间; 而且Cramer推荐了CANDIES,认为这些股票今后还会有出色表现。当然了,Cramer 话也不能全信,自己的钱还得自己拿主意。
O oureal 高级会员 注册 2005-12-06 消息 539 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 28 2010-07-02 #9 关爱自己及家人的健康并对自己的爱车及美宅给予全心的呵护!怎么办?买保险以防不测。 同样道理,既然买了某只股票,就说明你喜欢她,那末就得关心呵护她,给她也买上保险,免得出现不测! 怎么办? 买股票的同时买 “married put”上保险。
关爱自己及家人的健康并对自己的爱车及美宅给予全心的呵护!怎么办?买保险以防不测。 同样道理,既然买了某只股票,就说明你喜欢她,那末就得关心呵护她,给她也买上保险,免得出现不测! 怎么办? 买股票的同时买 “married put”上保险。
D doudaibk 新手上路 注册 2008-01-21 消息 13 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2010-07-07 #10 The technicals are showing positive signs of upward move today. http://www.stoxline.com/quote.php?symbol=rimm
The technicals are showing positive signs of upward move today. http://www.stoxline.com/quote.php?symbol=rimm