BMO办理银行开户、投资等业务(Algonquin College附近)


[FONT=宋体]本人刚刚到位于Algonquin College附近的College Square中的BMO工作,如果新来Algonquin College读书的同学需要办理银行的各项开户、开卡手续,我可以提供尽可能快的帮助。因为这里的银行开户或者投资的咨询都需要提前预约时间,所以为了避免你们到银行几次而浪费时间,可以通过邮件的方式告知你们希望的时间段(上午/下午几点到几点之间,请提前一天通知),等我帮你们确认好时间后,你们按时到达即可。如有临时紧急的情况,也可以到分行直接找我看能否尽快进行安排。其他客户如需银行服务,也欢迎与我联系![/FONT]
Joanne [FONT=宋体]王小姐([/FONT][FONT=宋体])[/FONT]
您好 我想请问一下 留学生finance买车希望大吗 ? 前提是finance不超过一万元
As we all know, personal identification information shouldn't be send to anyone. Be very careful if you are sending your financial information to any public email account. The chance for being hack into are higher.

Also for F.I. staff, using non-approved advertisment and encourage others to use non-F.I. approval communication could result in serious compliance issues. It might be result in termination of employment.

To Joanne [FONT=宋体]王小姐,[/FONT]
I am sure BMO has a lot of approved Chinese version of advertisements. Get your approval from your manager and post it.

I am not a 'police' but just make sure everyone safety in this community. Employee are safe in their job and others seeking help are in also safe and protected environment.

毕竟,事情还得去办公室办,隐私在办公室里可以得到和其他bmo personel一样的保护;她愿意服务,以增加自己的业务,于人于己都是好事。
Change to her work phone number can resolve one of the compliance issues.

Look at her ad in the original post, she mentioned: '我可以提供尽可能快的帮助'
This is an example compliance violation: Is only her can do something possiblity faster help? why can she can offer faster service? Is her ability better? better relationship with internal staff? or meaning other co-workers don't care.

I appreciate her willingness to help others, truely appreciated. The issue is she should better do it properly.
Change to her work phone number can resolve one of the compliance issues.

Look at her ad in the original post, she mentioned: '我可以提供尽可能快的帮助'
This is an example compliance violation: Is only her can do something possiblity faster help? why can she can offer faster service? Is her ability better? better relationship with internal staff? or meaning other co-workers don't care.

I appreciate her willingness to help others, truely appreciated. The issue is she should better do it properly.



我看了一下原帖,楼主所谓更快的服务,是指不要没有预约地空跑,或者walk-in service的队列里面久等。



另外,我也希望能够办到bmo里面rate比较低的一个line of credit,但是楼主并没有提到这方面她可以帮忙,据我所知,bmo的branch里通常只有一个人可以办loc,开户的话则可以办的人很多。
I am an IT people as well, working for the CRA as BA and DA on a lot of new financial systems, including the new TFSA and GST/HST initiatives.

For '我觉得似乎要搞法律的才能回答得了这些问题', there are pre-approved ad for most F.I.s and those are legally approved and have no challenge for competitor. That's why I urge LZ to use those instead of writing things. I see LZ was trying to use some softer words but still don't quite work well.
I am an IT people as well, working for the CRA as BA and DA on a lot of new financial systems, including the new TFSA and GST/HST initiatives.

For '我觉得似乎要搞法律的才能回答得了这些问题', there are pre-approved ad for most F.I.s and those are legally approved and have no challenge for competitor. That's why I urge LZ to use those instead of writing things. I see LZ was trying to use some softer words but still don't quite work well.

totally agree, the personal info can't be sent by public e-mail.
Employee of the bank branch, the bonus are base on their performance, including open account, RRSP,. RESP, credit card apply, and line credit etc..

somebody asked international student could financing vechicle, yes, but you have to pay high interest rate, or you can get line credit, but the interest rate could higher too. ask your own bank.
As a big 5 branch employee, you are soliciting on a community forum which pretty much only covers ottawa chinese community for your own annual bonus of about what? A FEW THOUSANDS dollars? C'on, i mean, is BMO really that desperate that they actually hire people to do this? Please tell me this is a joke.
for bonus, is the thinking of the employee, not the bank.
Banks hire for trainable sales representation, who can sell better, will be hired.
The employee probably notice that, and wanted to start by their own community. That's fine with me.
Business must be that bad uhh? NOT ENOUGH WALK-INS?
Well, any addition they get is better.