


10 pages

SOC 3316 essay







No contract is good
No excesses fee is good
No limit texting is good

10 page essay
Find an information and communication technology (ICT) advertisement
Library based research to challenge at least one of the claims made in the ad
Rely on at least 5 academic sources
Won’t be getting it back. Get a 1 page thing back with the grade and comments
Must be able a way to reproduce the ad. Basically an appendix which reproduces the ad
Personal pronouns ok, headings ok, depends on the effectiveness of the paper
Part C) 1) Could be framing it as an innovation, what it is to hook consumers,
3) Why is the ad targeting them, how is it …
Book isn’t part of the 5

-Page 26 in the text, looking at ICT holistically rather in terms of purely marketing and production. Similar orientation as the quote as the paper
-Not looking at the technical claims made by the ICT
-The extent to which these kinds of technologies imply that you will have lots of friends, popularity, communication, as compared to some of the research of people that are isolated. Or someone with facebook but no friends in real life…
-Looking at the assumptions made by the ICTs; particularly, being more fulfilled in the social relationships
-Also evaluated on the ad, so important to find a good one
-Look for an ad with assumptions
-Something like people preferring to use ICT over personal…
Readings don’t get discussed in lectures. To understand the concepts in class to connect to readings

1. How is this ICT being framed by the advertisement? Or, put another way, that alternatives are there to this particular framing
2. Why is this ICT being advertised? That is, what sorts of claims are being made that are intended to make it appear novel?
3. Who is the intended audience for this ad? Or, who does it exclude?
4. What information does this ad seek to ignore? That is, by highlighting some features of a respective ICT, what questions/issues does it not want raised?
5. What interests are at stake with respect to this technology? What other interests might exist that are excluded by the ad?
6. Who could be affected by the potential applications of this technology?
7. What meaningful linkages can be made to issues explored in this course?


Tech Bytes
Do Koodo ads cross line?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 | 03:26 PM ET
by Paul Jay, CBCNews.ca
When Telus Corp introduced its Koodo brand earlier this year, wireless bloggers and analysts wondered aloud about the branding strategy, which seemed focused on dissing practices, such as the charging of System Access Fees, that the parent company itself still engaged in.
It was perplexing, but it was also undeniably successful, as I wrote earlier this year. It also had enough of an impact on the market to force rival brands Fido and Solo, the discount entrants of Rogers and Bell respectively, to also drop the system access fee, leading some to speculate the fee could be going the way of the dodo in Canada. Which is good news for consumers, who will now be able to get a better read on the final cost of their cell phone plan.
The question of inconsistency between the messages Telus was sending through its eponymous brand and Koodo also seemed moot, since for the most part Koodo skirted this line well, trumpeting its lack of the hated fee and fixed-term contracts without expressly condemning the practice entirely.
Koodo's latest ads, however, appear to have crossed that line. Here's a sampling from the lyrics of one of their ads:
"Fixed-term contracts, excess fees, are so gross and sleazy. Just say no and get Koodo. And please don’t eat yellow snow."
It's one thing to suggest that a fixed-term contract or a system access fee, as another companion ad suggests, "smell." Such language could be considered in the spirit of the garish tone of the brand's ad campaign. But the word "sleazy" is another matter entirely. It suggests intent, and malicious intent at that.
No doubt, if comments on our articles here at CBC.ca are any indication, many consumers might share the opinion that a three-year contract or the charging of a system access fee could be considered "sleazy."
But it seems disingenuous at best for a company that continues to offer contracts with those very terms to make the same claim through another brand, unless there are changes afoot planned for the parent brand to do away with some of those features.

Telus knows a thing or two about keeping it fresh. After 10 years the company is still finding ways to engage consumers with its very familiar “critters” advertising while at the same time smartly reaching out to a whole new target market with its latest “fat free” offering, Koodo Mobile.

Early in the year Telus launched a new line of smartphones with a campaign from longtime agency Taxi that asked consumers questions such as: “How would you break up?” for example, with check boxes for “Text,” “E-mail,” “Call,” or “Messenger.”

“It got people to stop and think about how they communicate and it got them to engage with the brand,” says Telus’s vice-president of marketing communications Tammy Scott. And what many of them would have realized is that the technology is not hard to use nor is it appropriate only for business people.

Telus took a decidedly different tack however later in the year with Ron Ronn, a fictitious singing star-wannabe featured in 10 30-second spots during Canadian Idol. The likable loser promoted his self-made national tour with the help of Telus smartphones—BlackBerry Curve and HTC Touch—and their various applications.

“When you do product placement... you’ve got to blend it into the show,” says Scott. “We were able to tell a more in-depth story than with regular TV ads.”

While being a pop-culture hit is noteworthy, for Telus the strength of its marketing is also reflected in the numbers. Telus subscribers increased by a record 176,000 in the second quarter of 2008 (third quarter results were not available at press time), accounting for almost half of the 359,000 subscribers added by the big three providers—Rogers, Bell and Telus—combined.

That growth is partly attributed to the March launch of Koodo, a new brand targeting the youth discount market.

“They’ve done an extremely good job in establishing an instant brand in Koodo,” says Iain Grant, of telecom consultancy SeaBoard Group. “They are speaking to needs that many Canadians have felt and their ability to do this has really resonated.”

“Chief Koodo Officer” Kevin Banderk says the company deliberately honed in on a segment of Generation Y fed up with fees, long-term contracts and paying for services they don’t use. Koodo reached out with simple phones designed for talk and text services only, with plans starting as low as $15.

“Finding a way to speak to [Generation Y] in a fun, irreverent way was a challenge,” says Lance Martin, creative director at Taxi 2, which helped devise the “Fat-free mobility” positioning that tapped into young people’s ironic appreciation for all things ’80s—in this case, the exercise phenomenon 20 Minute Workout.

“It cut through, it was trendy without trying to be cool,” says Banderk of the eye-catching creative. “A lot of wireless brands try to talk to everyone, but we wanted to be more targeted in a way that was very straightforward, transparent and refreshing.”

The campaign included TV, radio, online, point-of-sale and out-of-home elements, as well as a Facebook application. And in Montreal, Koodo and Taxi 2 played games with subway riders by asking them “Where’s Koodo?” At touch-screen enabled kiosks, people searched for a “Koodo-ciser,” a fluorescent leotard-wearing athlete, hidden in an illustrated urban landscape, as they learned about Koodo’s nationwide talk-and-text rate plan.

“Part of our media tactic is to engage the community—that’s the best way to reach Gen Y,” says Banderk, adding consumers will see the fruition of its “Kick it like a Koodo-ciser” contest in a new holiday campaign. Hundreds of people submitted photos of themselves Koodo-cising and participated in street-level events in hopes of landing a starring role in the campaign.

The fact that Telus can generate such excitement with a new brand and constantly breathe new life in to a 10-year campaign for its flagship brand is testament to its relevance as a marketer.

“Good brands reflect popular culture, and great brands create popular culture,” says Scott.