John Counsell 的道歉录音

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Riven
  • 开始时间 开始时间




Here is the transcript for the 1st part of the Counsell show tonight. I made the paragraphs myself to make it easier to read. Here it is, listen to what John Counsell had to say about yesterday's incidence.


Hi here we go again about 25 hours into the conflict. And it seems as though it's all everyboday wants to talk about. While other things seem pretty inconsequential right now with the war going on, we are all, I don't know, are we, I feel, you know, in talking to people, I hear people saying everybody feels tense and our emotions frazzled today. You know I was talking to Heather my wife today, and she says where she works and people she talks to and frequents with as I was going about my day-to-day business, it's just like people seem to be short-tempered, you know, and just tense about what's going on. It's a lot like the 9-11. When it broke we all, I mean when 9-11 broke, that's all we talked about on this program for a good 2 weeks. And I remember a couple times because that was such a huge story as this one is. On the show, we got into some very animated discussions, passionate discussions with callers on both sides of the issue. And I remember you know, covering 9-11, saying things, everyone got so misunderstood and they got misconstrued and I remember having to clarify somethings as well and even to apologize.

And that happened last night. And I want to address that now. And I may do that later as well. Last night I was debating with a caller Bush's reason for this conflict. In this discussion, amongst many things that were said, 'cause that was quite heated, and the discussion was going back and forth. And it was very very passionate, my speech, so was the caller.

I stated that the America was setting a message to terroist states, the axes of the evil, the nations to support him, that if you attack America, that you will be dealt with. I mentioned the axes of the evil: Iran, Iraq and North Korea. And I threw in the country of China into that group. And I sounded as though I was grouping China with the axes of the evil.

That's NOT what was meant by the comment at all. I WASN'T. I could have throw Belgium, Indonesia, South Africa, any number of countries because what Bush's doing is giving notice to the whole world, for the whole world to witness that if you attack America, you are going to pay. And I listened to the disk of the show today, and I can understand why some of you took it the wrong way. I'm very very very very (I counted, 4 times in total ) sorry that it was misunderstood that way. It was very wrong and I can understand the consternation. You have my humblest apologies for that. Those comments have unfortunately multiplied today and that the facts have been misreported.

I've got emails from people who, it sounded as they were emailing me, they heard it from a friend of a friend, it's like when you tell a story, it gets passed through a bunch of sources, it can take on a life of its own. John Brenner was accused of saying it last night. It was not John Brenner, it was me. And China in the past as you know, they have sold weapons to our enemies, but that certainly can't put them into the same category as I inadvertently put them in last night. Particularly since 9-11 when China has come out quite strong in their commitment to battle terroism.

And like Russia as well. Russia had their problem with terroism within their borders. And it would have been just inappropriate to throw Russia into that mix last night, keeping in mind the tremendous strive that both countries have made towards foreign forces.

You want me to elaborate, you want to comment on this topic, you don't feel like it was covered clear enough, PLEASE, give me a call, RIGHT NOW, I don't mind, you know, making it as conscise and as clear and clarify it for as much as I need to. You know that talk radio can get very passionate, very emotional, that's why you listen. I can't speak for other hosts, but you know, I'm assuming that they are as the same as me. Because I don't get passionate for a show, this is not just a put-on here. If I'm passionate about something, it's me, and when emotions get ahead of the heart, I will be the first to make amends and I have no problem apologizing to the good people who have been hurt in any ways by my words concerning China last night.

And I remember folks that this is opinion and when opinion is miscommunicated, I for one will be quick, very very quick to clarify. When have a lot of people emailing and phoning the station who got the story 2nd or 3rd handed as I mentioned, and stories can often get twisted. When that happens, I really hope my statements tonight clear that up, and if I'm not being clear enough, please give me a call: 521-8255 is the number to call, that's 521-talk.... (he went on talking about the war)

Transcript for the 2nd part of the John Counsell show tonight.

John: We've got Dave on his cell phone. Hi Dave. How's it going.

Dave: How are you doing buddy? I've got to tell you, I enjoy listening to your show because you are a very passionate speaker. When I hear you talking, you know, your apologies are equally passionate so I have to give you a good for that.

John: you know, an apology isn't an apology unless you mean it. You know the last thing I want to do is to alienate the Chinese people in the community here. They've got nothing to do with the whole thing here. And what I said, it was DUMB! I should NEVER have lumped China! I picked them as a random country that in the past had human rights problems, but since September 11th they've made amazing strives! And the reforms that are going on there from what I've seen has been nothing but good news for the last little while. There are people that would argue they have a long way to go, but man you've got to give them credits on how far they've come!

Dave: Absolutely. I don't know how I would describe the middle ground with this conflict now (meaning the war on Iraq). Now my position on it: I'm fully behind the Canadian point of view as far as, you know, untill the UN says "let's go", then Canada has never been the graifter in any type of conflicts without some kind of UN backing.

John: What that means now is that the we won't go unless the UN says go. It kinda means you know, unless France doesn't veto, we are going to stay pit. It sounds as one country is holding UN hostage here. And they (France) said "no matter what, no matter what, we will veto any military actions against Iraq".

...(they went on discussing the war)

很抱歉,因为我所在的楼停电,无法录制后续部分。 谁录了请通知我。 谢谢。




最初由 辟邪 发布
finally I called in, and being told the show is over now. So I asked the guy about how to get last night's recording. he said we could go to Dave Mitchell,, 789-CHUM, for that.
Here is the transcript for the 1st part of the Counsell show tonight. I made the paragraphs myself to make it easier to read. :) Here it is, listen to what John Counsell had to say about yesterday's incidence.


Hi here we go again about 25 hours into the conflict. And it seems as though it's all everyboday wants to talk about. While other things seem pretty inconsequential right now with the war going on, we are all, I don't know, are we, I feel, you know, in talking to people, I hear people saying everybody feels tense and our emotions frazzled today. You know I was talking to Heather my wife today, and she says where she works and people she talks to and frequents with as I was going about my day-to-day business, it's just like people seem to be short-tempered, you know, and just tense about what's going on. It's a lot like the 9-11. When it broke we all, I mean when 9-11 broke, that's all we talked about on this program for a good 2 weeks. And I remember a couple times because that was such a huge story as this one is. On the show, we got into some very animated discussions, passionate discussions with callers on both sides of the issue. And I remember you know, covering 9-11, saying things, everyone got so misunderstood and they got misconstrued and I remember having to clarify somethings as well and even to apologize.

And that happened last night. And I want to address that now. And I may do that later as well. Last night I was debating with a caller Bush's reason for this conflict. In this discussion, amongst many things that were said, 'cause that was quite heated, and the discussion was going back and forth. And it was very very passionate, my speech, so was the caller.

I stated that the America was setting a message to terroist states, the axes of the evil, the nations to support him, that if you attack America, that you will be dealt with. I mentioned the axes of the evil: Iran, Iraq and North Korea. And I threw in the country of China into that group. And I sounded as though I was grouping China with the axes of the evil.

That's NOT what was meant by the comment at all. I WASN'T. I could have throw Belgium, Indonesia, South Africa, any number of countries because what Bush's doing is giving notice to the whole world, for the whole world to witness that if you attack America, you are going to pay. And I listened to the disk of the show today, and I can understand why some of you took it the wrong way. I'm very very very very (I counted, 4 times in total :)) sorry that it was misunderstood that way. It was very wrong and I can understand the consternation. You have my humblest apologies for that. Those comments have unfortunately multiplied today and that the facts have been misreported.

I've got emails from people who, it sounded as they were emailing me, they heard it from a friend of a friend, it's like when you tell a story, it gets passed through a bunch of sources, it can take on a life of its own. John Brenner was accused of saying it last night. It was not John Brenner, it was me. And China in the past as you know, they have sold weapons to our enemies, but that certainly can't put them into the same category as I inadvertently put them in last night. Particularly since 9-11 when China has come out quite strong in their commitment to battle terroism.

And like Russia as well. Russia had their problem with terroism within their borders. And it would have been just inappropriate to throw Russia into that mix last night, keeping in mind the tremendous strive that both countries have made towards foreign forces.

You want me to elaborate, you want to comment on this topic, you don't feel like it was covered clear enough, PLEASE, give me a call, RIGHT NOW, I don't mind, you know, making it as conscise and as clear and clarify it for as much as I need to. You know that talk radio can get very passionate, very emotional, that's why you listen. I can't speak for other hosts, but you know, I'm assuming that they are as the same as me. Because I don't get passionate for a show, this is not just a put-on here. If I'm passionate about something, it's me, and when emotions get ahead of the heart, I will be the first to make amends and I have no problem apologizing to the good people who have been hurt in any ways by my words concerning China last night.

And I remember folks that this is opinion and when opinion is miscommunicated, I for one will be quick, very very quick to clarify. When have a lot of people emailing and phoning the station who got the story 2nd or 3rd handed as I mentioned, and stories can often get twisted. When that happens, I really hope my statements tonight clear that up, and if I'm not being clear enough, please give me a call: 521-8255 is the number to call, that's 521-talk.... (he went on talking about the war)
Transcript for the 2nd part of the John Counsell show tonight.


John: We've got Dave on his cell phone. Hi Dave. How's it going.

Dave: How are you doing buddy? I've got to tell you, I enjoy listening to your show because you are a very passionate speaker. When I hear you talking, you know, your apologies are equally passionate so I have to give you a good for that.

John: you know, an apology isn't an apology unless you mean it. You know the last thing I want to do is to alienate the Chinese people in the community here. They've got nothing to do with the whole thing here. And what I said, it was DUMB! I should NEVER have lumped China! I picked them as a random country that in the past had human rights problems, but since September 11th they've made amazing strives! And the reforms that are going on there from what I've seen has been nothing but good news for the last little while. There are people that would argue they have a long way to go, but man you've got to give them credits on how far they've come!

Dave: Absolutely. I don't know how I would describe the middle ground with this conflict now (meaning the war on Iraq). Now my position on it: I'm fully behind the Canadian point of view as far as, you know, untill the UN says "let's go", then Canada has never been the graifter in any type of conflicts without some kind of UN backing.

John: What that means now is that the we won't go unless the UN says go. It kinda means you know, unless France doesn't veto, we are going to stay pit. It sounds as one country is holding UN hostage here. And they (France) said "no matter what, no matter what, we will veto any military actions against Iraq".

...(they went on discussing the war)
?他?道歉.. 不到歉就叫他?等死...

中?人你也敢烈, 真是活?...

:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
But he did! Repeatedly. :confused: