
2004 HONDA CIVIC, EMISSION SYSTEM 的灯亮了, 书上说有两种可能, EMISSION SYSTEM真的有问题,或者是油箱盖没拧紧, 但是后面这种情况即使把油箱盖重新拧紧也需要开至少三天才能灯灭。

我的灯亮了一个多星期了, 亮灯前的确刚加了油,车每天都开的不多。不知道是不是EMISSION SYSTEM 真的坏了, 还是再等等看。

如果真的是系统坏了, 修理不知道贵不贵。对车一点不懂, 纯菜鸟, 希望高手门发表一下自己的见解。谢谢
You have to scan to read the code, which will tell you what went wrong.
OP1. Ask dealer to scan the code, to find out what is wrong, see if it is under warranty, then decide if it should be repaired.
OP2. Buy a scanner yourself, on ebay, if this occurs very often.
OP3. disconnect the battery for seconds, and then reconnect, it will clear the Code and turn off the lamp. See if it will turn on in serval days. Most of the cases, it is a false signal.
I'm driving 2001 civic. Had this problem, the lamp will turn off after serval days.
You have to scan to read the code, which will tell you what went wrong.
OP1. Ask dealer to scan the code, to find out what is wrong, see if it is under warranty, then decide if it should be repaired.
OP2. Buy a scanner yourself, on ebay, if this occurs very often.
OP3. disconnect the battery for seconds, and then reconnect, it will clear the Code and turn off the lamp. See if it will turn on in serval days. Most of the cases, it is a false signal.
I'm driving 2001 civic. Had this problem, the lamp will turn off after serval days.

Since the car is 2004, the warranty must have expired (except the car was bought first hand and paid extra money for extended warranty).
Since there is no warranty, going to dealer means money to find out problem for you.
I recommend ask your friend for an honest mechanic (i.e. verbal reference), they all have that scanner, and they won't charge you any just to find out that CODE.
My personal guess is one of the microchips has problem (changing a microchip is over hundred dollars).

Good luck
the Garage at Preston Street and Carling Ave.

Go to the Garage at Preston and Carling Ave. (Near a Church) and talk to Dan, who is a very nice person. He solved the same problem on my old car several times. IT IS FREE!

2004 HONDA CIVIC, EMISSION SYSTEM 的灯亮了, 书上说有两种可能, EMISSION SYSTEM真的有问题,或者是油箱盖没拧紧, 但是后面这种情况即使把油箱盖重新拧紧也需要开至少三天才能灯灭。

我的灯亮了一个多星期了, 亮灯前的确刚加了油,车每天都开的不多。不知道是不是EMISSION SYSTEM 真的坏了, 还是再等等看。

如果真的是系统坏了, 修理不知道贵不贵。对车一点不懂, 纯菜鸟, 希望高手门发表一下自己的见解。谢谢
Go to the Garage at Preston and Carling Ave. (Near a Church) and talk to Dan, who is a very nice person. He solved the same problem on my old car several times. IT IS FREE!

Thanks for let us know an HONEST mechanic.
Does this mean he did not really solve you problem? It's like saying you quit smoking many times actually means you never succeeded to quit.

Go to the Garage at Preston and Carling Ave. (Near a Church) and talk to Dan, who is a very nice person. He solved the same problem on my old car several times. IT IS FREE!

Does this mean he did not really solve you problem? It's like saying you quit smoking many times actually means you never succeeded to quit.

This kind of problem may be back again, sometimes. You need his help to know if this is a serious problem or not, maybe just because of your car a little old, which is no matter with your safety or driving. So he will tell you that you don't need to spend money to fix it. But you do need his help to turn the light off with his instrument.

Dan checked the car for me and told me if it should be fixed or just turn the light off. IT IS FREE. Anything wrong?

Solved the problem = Fixed your car?

Do you have any similar experience? Do you know anything on this kind of problem?