

我26号激活信用卡,当天在Canadian Tire用了第一次
29号周日出去到麦当劳吃东西 18。66

和Petro Canada加油,大约$34。5 (self service,我自己刷卡)


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对于这笔Temporary Authorization

ROGERSWL 1TIME - 800 565 6009

我深表 怀疑。

30号打电话问信用卡公司,说正常,PetroCanada 实际加油$34.5 Temporary Authorization $100,

至于 $1 的ROGERSWL 1TIME - 800 565 6009 Temporary Authorizations,作test (Fido is owned by Roger)


问Fido,说它们Fido is owned by Roger,即便设置预付款授权测试留下的纪录是Fido,而不是Rogers
google "ROGERSWL 1TIME - 800 565 6009 "

rogers临时扣1 刀 看你的信用卡信息对不对
帐单没问题, 过几天再看post的交易,有问题拒付帐单就行了

我26号激活信用卡,当天在Canadian Tire用了第一次
29号周日出去到麦当劳吃东西 18。66

和Petro Canada加油,大约$34。5 (self service,我自己刷卡)
如果是limit低(或者签钱不还的)的时候,要小心。特别要留意这个预扣款会撑破limit,如果撑破了你可以要交over-limit fee or something like that.

Other than that, pretty normal
我有问一次信用卡公司account manager,说Fido的test,很多类似例子,5个工作日。。。。
如果是limit低(或者签钱不还的)的时候,要小心。特别要留意这个预扣款会撑破limit,如果撑破了你可以要交over-limit fee or something like that.

Other than that, pretty normal

limit: 1W8

26 Jun 2009
A total of 5 fraudulent charges on my Master Card from ROGERS with phone number 800-565-6009. This is absolutely beyond comprehension.

How did these criminals get our credit card information? I rarely use this credit card in particular and I only use it for online subscriptions.

My card is issued by Citi...what about yours? This could give us a clue as to where the security breach occurred.
Linda Sevier
23 Jul 2009
Kelly is not a fraud herself, when my bank called me this morning about a suspiscious transactions they gave me the number listed 800-565-6009 and I was instructed to call them and if they asked for my account number to give it to them, they had it already anyway, and yes I do actually know the person that called me from the bank, but when I called the number it gave a weird busy signal, now I have to go to my bank and file fraudulant charges papers where they charged me $600.00 canadian dollars, which was $541.57 to be deducted from my account!
Caller ID: 800-565-6009

Sara 27 Jul 2009
2 amounts for about $50.00 were charged to my account.... what is this number and how did they do this. I tried calling the number, with no luck. I am working with my bank on this but would really like to know more about this scam and how they can do this.
Reply !

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Walter 29 Jul 2009

I was notified by Capital One of a fraudulent charge of $1.00 through Rogers Wireless. I noted other Capital One users have experienced the same thing and I suspect this might be the result of a security breach at Capital One of which we were recently notified.
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Holly 18 Aug 2009

I got my citicard bill yesterday with the same charge from this Rogers PYG with the 800-565-6009 phone number. I only had one charge of 56.50 (Canandian)= 48.41(US) plus a foreign transaction fee of 1.45...I have the charge in dispute with citicards, but I can't call the company that put the charge on because I don't have long distance.

I did try the 800 number on the bill and I get an operator that says 'We're sorry, the number you have dialed cannot be reached from your calling area.'

I don't know how it popped up on my caller ID. I just don't answer any number that I don't recognize, so no one from this company could have spoken to us to sell me anything. All the people from citicards could tell me was that it was some kind of telecommunications equipment.
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JoeB 26 Aug 2009

I got a charge from Rogers PYGO613.... 800-565-6009
I live in Canada. Here, Rogers is an olygopoly - like Verizon or AT&T is in the US. Large Wireless cell phone/cable/internet service provider.

I've contacted the csr at Rogers, and was told that the information on the account doesn't match my name, the address doesn't belong to me, and asked me to proceed with claiming fraud charges.

Here's my decoding of the transaction:
ROGERS <-- The company doing the Billing
PYGO########## <-- Pay as you go plan, followed by the phone number of the actual person doing the charging.
800-565-6009 <-- Phone number for Rogers.
Caller ID: 1-800-565-6009
Caller: Rogers Wireless

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25 Sep 2009
This is a fraud. I had two on my account from Rogers Pygos.
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    LAM replies to Wotan 16 Dec 2009

    I just called Rogers Wireless on the 1-888 number posted on their website. They verified the following: 800-565-6009 is one of their numbers. The number following the PYGO (pay as you go) is the account number of the person topping off their cellular account. That person has my credit card number and I should call my financial institution immediately. The fraud here is not Rogers who are a legitimate company but the scammer who has got a hold of our credit card numbers. My next call is to my bank and I am going to cancel the card and get them to do an investigation.
    Reply !

25 Dec 2009
charges were made on my credit card by this phone no. 416-666-9958 or 800-565-6009
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lalo 25 Dec 2009

fraud charges on my credit card by rogers 416-666-9958/800-565-6009
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Very Frustrated 6 Jan 2010

What I don't understand is WHY the banks are still allowing these charges to go through? Are they stupid or something with all these people filing fraud claims why are they still approving charges for this company and NOT red flagging it!! UGH!!!

Yeah OK, Americans really use a F*ing Canadian phone company!!

JUL 20 FIDO *552901001 888¯481¯3436 ON​

the fraud continues
19 Jun 2010
They got me!!! In the past three hours, 3 fraudulant charges appeared on my credit card: $200 + $200 + $250. I happened to check my online account right after it happened and noticed the three charges from Rogerswl 1Time 800 565 6009. I called my credit card company right away and they froze the account. They are starting a fraud investigation and will issue me a new card. I called Rogers and they are useless. They couldn't provide any information. Thanks a lot. What is going on with this scam?? It's been going on for a long time by the sounds of it. Rogers needs to get a better system for identifying fraudulent payments. I'm in Victoria BC Canada but this problem seems to be all over the States as well.