现在才明白为什么“Mattamy's Half Moon Bay ”的房子盖的这样稠密,车道如此之短。原来该区是按照“Ottawa Community Specially Designed around the city's New Intensification Strategy" 规划,建造的第一实验区。
Half Moon Bay is seen as the first Ottawa community specifically designed
around the city's new intensification strategy, which calls for increased
density in new communities and existing neighbourhoods.
To set a precedent, Mattamy designed the first phases of the community to
accommodate 40 units per hectare, much more than the typical 24 units per
hectare seen in suburbs and more still than the 34 units per hectare set
out in the Barrhaven South Community Design Plan.
That same plan called for sidewalks to be provided on both sides of arterial
and collector roads and on at least one side of most other local roads.
However, Coun. Harder noticed that on residential non-collector roads the
driveways were so short that the back end of even compact cars intruded
onto the sidewalk, causing pedestrians to take to the street. Given that
many people use their garages for storage and their driveway for parking,
coupled with the increased density and shorter setbacks, she decided sidewalks
on these streets were unnecessary.

Half Moon Bay is seen as the first Ottawa community specifically designed
around the city's new intensification strategy, which calls for increased
density in new communities and existing neighbourhoods.
To set a precedent, Mattamy designed the first phases of the community to
accommodate 40 units per hectare, much more than the typical 24 units per
hectare seen in suburbs and more still than the 34 units per hectare set
out in the Barrhaven South Community Design Plan.
That same plan called for sidewalks to be provided on both sides of arterial
and collector roads and on at least one side of most other local roads.
However, Coun. Harder noticed that on residential non-collector roads the
driveways were so short that the back end of even compact cars intruded
onto the sidewalk, causing pedestrians to take to the street. Given that
many people use their garages for storage and their driveway for parking,
coupled with the increased density and shorter setbacks, she decided sidewalks
on these streets were unnecessary.