帮 帮手好 知名会员 注册 2010-01-18 消息 846 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 128 2010-09-16 #1 因家中有病人。有那位知道Ottawa那里有卖无碘盐的。请告知 613-324-1767万分感谢。
D donghy 知名会员 注册 2003-04-09 消息 59 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 166 2010-09-17 #2 All salt produced in Canada is iodinated to comply with the food act. I think the member in your family has problem with thyroid hormone. The body won’t intake extra iodine even it is excess in the diet, it will be excreted (personal opinion).
All salt produced in Canada is iodinated to comply with the food act. I think the member in your family has problem with thyroid hormone. The body won’t intake extra iodine even it is excess in the diet, it will be excreted (personal opinion).
J johnsun69 知名会员 注册 2007-12-03 消息 212 荣誉分数 28 声望点数 188 2010-09-17 #3 Any sea salt They usually don't contain iodin.
GRAND KING KING 注册 2009-12-15 消息 1,086 荣誉分数 113 声望点数 108 2010-09-18 #4 帮手好 说: 紧急求问(无碘盐) 因家中有病人。有那位知道Ottawa那里有卖无碘盐的。请告知 613-324-1767万分感谢。 点击展开... ask for kosher salt or non-iodized salt in Loblaws, Metro, Independent, or other grocery stores.
帮手好 说: 紧急求问(无碘盐) 因家中有病人。有那位知道Ottawa那里有卖无碘盐的。请告知 613-324-1767万分感谢。 点击展开... ask for kosher salt or non-iodized salt in Loblaws, Metro, Independent, or other grocery stores.
Ayin_Ottawa 初级会员 VIP 注册 2006-05-03 消息 3,965 荣誉分数 258 声望点数 73 2010-09-18 #5 今天到Merivale的Costco,特别留意看了一下盐。 有Table Salt(70%的碘,不知道这70%是啥意思),有Organic Sea Salt(没有注明碘的含量,但是有锰和钙的含量,1KG要6块多钱),还有iodized sea salt。 所以从海水里捞出来的海盐应该含碘不够多。 估计甲亢也不是一点碘都不能够吃,可能少吃也不妨。
今天到Merivale的Costco,特别留意看了一下盐。 有Table Salt(70%的碘,不知道这70%是啥意思),有Organic Sea Salt(没有注明碘的含量,但是有锰和钙的含量,1KG要6块多钱),还有iodized sea salt。 所以从海水里捞出来的海盐应该含碘不够多。 估计甲亢也不是一点碘都不能够吃,可能少吃也不妨。
H henryxu 知名会员 注册 2005-12-01 消息 84 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 116 2011-01-15 #6 frm water leak problem call me tonight thanks 附件 DSCF1504 (1280x960).jpg 40 KB · 查看: 145