Hi guys!
I hope you all are doing fine with your studies!
CSA is thinking to organize basketball teams to play in the << 华联杯 》篮球联赛. We need about 8-12 players per team, and if any of you are interested in join, please reply this or send me PM.
We strongly encourage you all basketball-interested-guys/girls, come out and have some fun and meet new friends from UO and the Chinese community!
Also, for all of you 家属们,and people who are interested in cheerleading, come out and join me to cheer for our team !!
Please see the attched Chinese explaination if there any confusion.
<<华联杯 》篮球联赛
“一年四季在于春”。渥太华的春天,万物复苏, 生机勃勃, 然而实在是短暂。 为了使渥京的华人朋友们有一个虽短暂且丰富的春天, 华人社团联合会(《华联会》)将在5月底组织一场华人社区的篮球联赛。赛场选在本地区闻名的健身俱乐部 ? RA Centre,那里装饰豪华,设备齐全,是渥京最高档的体育俱乐部。
篮球赛各队报名时间从即日起开始, 报名费每队$40。 共有12支球队可以参赛,名额有限, 额满为止。报名电话:565-8910(刘颖), 271-8396(周万方),778-6444(陈民智-粤语)
主任:赵炳炽(华联会) 副主任:黄斌 (科技协会),王亚平
I hope you all are doing fine with your studies!
CSA is thinking to organize basketball teams to play in the << 华联杯 》篮球联赛. We need about 8-12 players per team, and if any of you are interested in join, please reply this or send me PM.
We strongly encourage you all basketball-interested-guys/girls, come out and have some fun and meet new friends from UO and the Chinese community!

Also, for all of you 家属们,and people who are interested in cheerleading, come out and join me to cheer for our team !!

Please see the attched Chinese explaination if there any confusion.
<<华联杯 》篮球联赛
“一年四季在于春”。渥太华的春天,万物复苏, 生机勃勃, 然而实在是短暂。 为了使渥京的华人朋友们有一个虽短暂且丰富的春天, 华人社团联合会(《华联会》)将在5月底组织一场华人社区的篮球联赛。赛场选在本地区闻名的健身俱乐部 ? RA Centre,那里装饰豪华,设备齐全,是渥京最高档的体育俱乐部。
篮球赛各队报名时间从即日起开始, 报名费每队$40。 共有12支球队可以参赛,名额有限, 额满为止。报名电话:565-8910(刘颖), 271-8396(周万方),778-6444(陈民智-粤语)
主任:赵炳炽(华联会) 副主任:黄斌 (科技协会),王亚平