

想买辆新车, DEARLER 说生产厂保 6 年防锈.

如果我想保留这辆车长一点时间, 是现在做防锈好, 还是 5 年左右时 开始年年做好啊?

另外, DEARLER 说他们有一种电子防锈, 保10年, 700-800 的样子. 不太清楚其工作原理, 不知道好不好?(相比于车底喷油).

电子防锈是根据电化学的原理制造出来的产品。“保十年”的条件要留意。另外,按照两年做一次($100), $700-800可就不止十年了。我经常去TORONTO,在那里做就更加好,$60/次,full size car。
Rusting is an electrochemical reaction.
When iron rusts, it releases electrons. SALT is an electrolyte and hence salt water (slush) actually speeds up rusting once it starts, and there is no way to remove rust, except sanding, etc etc.
"电子防锈" is a tool attached to your car, generating electrons, this in theory should PREVENT iron from releasing electrons (that is CLOSE to galvanizing that Zinc is more electronegative thatn Iron). Ships use this as one (of the) tool to slow down rusting.
Hence in theory, it should work except the price is far too high.
I have a caucasian co-worker who bought a GM car three years ago and the dealer charged him 400 plus tax to have that "电子防锈" installed. He later discovered a similar tool in Canadian Tire only costs 130 plus tax (I saw that in Canadian Tire flyer several weeks ago). You can go to Canadian Tire and ask, and you can also ask any mechanic in Ottawa whether they know how to install it, and how much.
All cars should come with some kind of underside (metallic) anti-rusting. If your car underside has run on some rough services, or some stone hit the underside, then the protective coat cracks a little bit, those spots become WEAK point and hence rust starts.
If you want to use your car for over five years, I would recommend you have the underside sprayed with a layer of protective coating (usually ASPHALT), there are places in Ottawa specializing in this, but I don't know any (I hope others can recommend), price ranging from 300 - 400, and each year touch up is 60. As for dealers, that depends.
You can always bargain with the salesperson on this.

Good luck
多谢各位的热情回复. 决定不装电子防锈了.

做了一些Research, 初步定为前三年不做防锈, 合理洗车. 然后每年喷油. 好的如KROWN, METROPOLITAN 大约100多. 其它的GARAGE 50 -70 元.